Search results

  1. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    Indeed. Half Blackwood. Which alone - besides other Targ-Westerosi matches - means they are related to all First Men and Andal Houses of the Riverlands and neghbouring Realms. And likely to have Stark DNA as well - Starks took Blackwood brides, so there could very well be a traffic of brides in...
  2. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    Crazy!Viserys can be partly attributed to Mastermind Prince Doran ... As to Barristan - biased as hell - he is lying (to himself too) to justify his treason.
  3. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    LOL! Throw in a Bloodthirster or a company of World Eaters led by the Kharne the Betrayer while you are at it :) This will be heavily hinted at in subsequent chapters :)
  4. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    And thus Janera gains her first Westerosi minion :) Who will later be rewarded with land and found a House of his own, with "The First Of Many" as House Words :D
  5. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    Please, no! This will bring out all the fanbois! And will inevitably degenerate into pissing contests over the superiority of pistol round X versus pistol round Y! Ask that in the general ASOAIF thread! Please! Pretty please! PLEEZ!
  6. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    Sorry for off-top, but who is the cute chubby chic?
  7. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    It is complicated. STAB is one thing - IMO it began as a nebulous mix of self-defence pact againt Aerys' Crazy on one hand (maybe Steffon, Aerys' cousin and ex-BFF, was the driving force here?), and a coterie wishing to break into the royal patronage system hogged by Tywin (I see Jon, Hoster and...
  8. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    I know that the timing is off, but I giggled behind my hand as I imagined that RLJ is true and Ned unleashes his sick diplomatic skills while negotiating non-burning with Lady Freeholder Jaenera i.e. holds a happily gurgling baby-Jon by the ankles and waves him about: "Look see! Targ baby! Not...
  9. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    Scholars are displacing one another on the assimilation versus replacement issue :)
  10. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    The Andal conquest IMO has strong analogies with German "conquest" of Central Europe. Mecklemburg, Pommerania, Czechia, Silesian Duchies - all these were ruled by kings and dukes of local lineage, nobles a mix of Germanised locals and imports, all Christian and speaking German, belonging to the...
  11. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    Lannister are First Men. Baratheons, from a certain point of view, are First Men too - they are rebranded House Durrandon. Oh yes, he has succulent beefcake written all over him. They'd gobble him up, leaving Maegor limp and boneless and gasping for air :)
  12. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    I wonder if the returned Valyrian Dragonlords would not look upon the westerosi Targaryen Kingdom with similar sort of condescending attitude as OTL British aristocracy/European royalty looked upon House Brooke of Sarawak.
  13. Buba

    Return of Valyria (ASOIAF AU)

    Aegon the Unlikely is overrated. He failed to control his damned children! What message does that send out to vassals? Aegon is like Yoda - cool, a nice guy. but basically an incompetent twit. His one "good rulership" move was to exile Brynden, even if executing the bastard would probably had...