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  1. Buba

    WI Gallipoli landing works & progresses but the Turks fight for every bottleneck?

    I remember reading that during the fleet effort there was a sort of "panic" in Constantinople. Which, leading to the Turkish leadership doing the "bravely run away away", is simply natural. In 1914 the French (IMO sensibly) evacuated to Bordeaux. And I'd like to see the British reaction to...
  2. Buba

    WI Gallipoli landing works & progresses but the Turks fight for every bottleneck?

    IMO with the RN, MN and VMF anchored on the Bosforus Turkey throws in the towel. BTW - the Gov't and Everybody Who Matters flee the city the moment passage of the enemy fleet through Dartdanelles is assured.
  3. Buba

    WI Gallipoli landing works & progresses but the Turks fight for every bottleneck?

    Taking the Gallipoli Peninsula means that the Entente can shell the Asian bank forts with field artillery, not something they were designed for. Rubble inside a few days. And then it's clear sailing. Dardanelles open = RN and MN sail up to Constantinople and shell it, civilians be damned. It is...