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  1. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    Lawn care's hard to predict at this point. Basic automation in the form of robotic lawnmowers is already here but the systems we have now are purely for the owner of the home, the lawnmower can't go mow other people's homes yet due to range issues. So owner-operated lawn care is going to start...
  2. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    Yeah, I get what you mean. For what it's worth, I live in Oklahoma where the sky regularly tries to Destroy All Humans and I still wouldn't trade it in for California. Overall Wisconsin is considered one of the worst places in the country for weather, scoring a 6.5/10. It has only four months...
  3. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    I took several years of college economics and I'm not that impressed by Baby's First Economics Text. Sowell's work is quite good for people who have no idea whatsoever how money works but he's bad about strawmanning any position he personally disagrees with and tends to support his politics...
  4. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    AI is less durable? I guess that's why we sent manned missions to mars and couldn't land a rover there. The thing about your upfront costs of investments is, those investments have been made. We have robots that can do backflips and cartwheels, carry and load boxes, and run faster than a...
  5. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    But that's meaningless. By your own standard there, a human also isn't doing the boxing, a forklift is. So what's your point? That makes everything else you're arguing is irrelevant, the cost of the forklift is meaningless because the company has to buy a forklift either way. The difference...
  6. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    Machine learning has already advanced past loading and unloading boxes. The first plumbing and construction robots are also coming online right now. They're far from able to fully replace humans but it's undeniable that they're advancing...
  7. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    I think the best tactic would be to explore ways to actually increase how well humans can accomplish things in order to keep a human relevant. We've been doing that for a long time by increasing education, but we're starting to run into some hard limits on just how much education you can give a...
  8. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    The significant part here is that the horse was a component in transport, specifically motive power, and when that component was replaced horses became useless and were reduced to pets. Humans were not affected because the part of the transport they represented, steering and control, was not...
  9. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    Again, all your strawman. Nobody said robots don't add value, nobody said robots don't produce. But they will not make new things for random poor people unless there's money in it for the people who own the robots, such as if the poor are given a UBI in order to buy the production of robots...
  10. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    Yes, that's an excellent analogy, our old ideas about AI were that it would be like that obsolete factory, the reality we're running into is that it's more like a 3D printer.
  11. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    I mean, those are probably going to be some of the last holdouts, but everybody in the world can't be a waiter for everybody else. When there're 5000 unemployed persons for every waiter job only the most exquisite and naturally gifted of waiters will have jobs and only the super-wealthy (who...
  12. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    No, that's old-school thinking. Machine learning isn't about setting up presses and dies that can only press out one part and have to be rebuilt for any other. Once an AI learns to drive you don't have to reteach it how to drive for every single road, just give it a destination.
  13. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    You're not wrong. It's not exactly a happy future but currently nobody can see a clear path around it. Robots are getting smarter and more capable. They're already stronger, the only reason to employ a human is their ability to think more creatively than robots, and, sometimes, that it's...
  14. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    Most UBI plans include removing the minimum wage and an assumption of increasing automation. We no longer have professional elevator operators, f'rex, that job was automated away a long time ago. Self-driving cars are just appearing but as that technology matures, expect to see taxi drivers...
  15. Bear Ribs

    United States California approves 1st state-funded guaranteed income plan

    Mandating that citizens in the US no longer have the freedom to move and travel throughout the country would lead to really dark places fast, that's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.