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  1. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Fair enough. 3 Italian police brutally assaulted, pepper sprayed and kicked an unarmed trans-woman in Milan. Criminalizing & inciting violence against "transgenderism" has lethal consequences… the so called "gender ideology" is used to justify Gov't discrimination. Readers added context they...
  2. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Hmm? I thought the version I linked to contains the community notes.
  3. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    You know the economy is in bad shape when even the FBI is outsourcing their glowops to India.
  4. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Not 100% sure this is a hate crime hoax but people are leaning this way pretty hard from a lot of clues. The entire thing seems fishy, the dude slowly drove a U-Haul into the barrier around the White House, instantly gave up, had no weapons or explosives, but had a convenient Nazi flag the...
  5. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Well, maybe they do have a shot then. Her attorney is an employment law specialist though, and she probably needs somebody who actually practices civil lawsuits concerning libel in this case.
  6. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Seriously? You're going to keep harping on the irrelevant part while ignoring the bit that contradicts your falsehoods? She's not a public figure so it doesn't apply, which presumably is why you keep pretending that's the main part since you can actually argue against it. She is in the public...
  7. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Yes, you quoted Sullivan... after I linked it for you, since as usual you bring nothing to the table but your unsupported opinions... but you didn't take note of Gertz v. Robert Welch Inc. or Time Inc. v. Firestone which are the ones that actually disprove your claim and are the bone of...
  8. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    No, you didn't know, else you would have known it applied to people who "thrust themselves into the public eye" which you evidently didn't. This is just a bit of pedantry where you ignore most of the argument to focus on the one sentence you can actually refute. I listed multiple cases in...
  9. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Nope. I mentioned that in the post you quoted but maybe you didn't read it before hitting reply, or just need more details, it doesn't apply only to officials at all. Sullivan's scope was increased in Curtis Publishing v. Butts and Time Inc. v. Hill to "public figures" rather than "public...
  10. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    To get a libel charge to stick in the US you basically need mind-reading powers. No really, it's nearly that hard. Thanks to the Supreme Court's decision in New York Times v. Sullivan you must prove "actual malice" was involved in the publishing, not just that they published falsehoods and...
  11. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository

    Someone went and painted (incorrect) swastikas all over Union Station in DC. The media and Twitterati loudly announced and condemned the actions of these Dastardly Trumpists. News suddenly grew quiet on the matter when the Dastardly Trumpists turned out to be an illegal immigrant from...
  12. Bear Ribs

    Hate Crime Hoaxes: An Archival Suppository