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  1. Battlegrinder

    Sincere Questions for Conservatives

    I'd take a second look at that quote, particularly the latter half. "at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it". The point is that conservative position isn't "never do anything", it's to act as a brake when someone else wants to do something...
  2. Battlegrinder

    Sincere Questions for Conservatives

    For me, because I'm still a bit cross over that IRS targeting scandal a few years ago that never quite got sorted out and that, in the light of what we now know about Obama using the FBI to spy on the Trump campaign, now looks far, far more suspicious than it did at the time. I don't think...
  3. Battlegrinder

    Sincere Questions for Conservatives

    I would actually disagree the the problem is two contradicting visions of what freedom of speech means, it's deeper than that. The problem, as I see it, is that increasing parts of the left are starting to say that certain opinions should not be aired period and want to suppress them. The...
  4. Battlegrinder

    Sincere Questions for Conservatives

    I think @Bear Ribs hit the nail on the head with this one. The media and entertainment industry are overwhelming left leaning and will do a lot to spread and explain left wing ideas, even without someone actively seeking them out. There are some exceptions for niche issues or fast moving events...