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  1. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Family as a unit came across due to need to provide stable relationship for children to be raised. Romantic relationship is not, in and by itself, necessarily stable, and it is unlikely that a same-sex couple can, by its very nature, provide necessary developmental models for a child. I know...
  2. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Marriage is a social formalization of a bond necessary to produce and raise a child. Which means, yes, man and a woman. What you are describing is less marriage and more mafia.
  3. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Whole LGBT idea is about liberalization of sexuality. Personally, I inherently see it as a bad thing (the concept of liberalization of sexuality, that is), but specifically I do not think it will ever stop. You see, "progressive" or "radical" ideologies need to stay that way, lest they become...
  4. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    It is not, because fast food - and processed food in general - does not become addictive merely due to being a habit. It is chemically addictive as it creates chemical reaction in human brain. Hell, I'm having potato chips cravings just writing about this despite not having eaten them for years...
  5. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    So should selling meth and crack be legal simply because people who had taken it once want to take it again? At any rate, my point was that part of the reason people are getting fat is that the food which makes people fat is also highly addictive. I never suggested what should or should not be...
  6. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Just 2c, but I think problem is the way food is made. There was a documentary I watched a while ago which made a point that modern processed food - fast food especially - is, by accident or by intent (and I suspect latter), designed to be addictive. It is like having kids live on calorie-dense...
  7. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Isn't that something that should inherently be handled at state level? Why is Federal government even involved in stuff like that? Just to give my 2c, but I have talked to the people who have lived through Communist system in Yugoslavia, and to people who still work in state services. And the...
  8. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Oh, that is certainly true. In fact, many people I have talked to who leaned in Progressive direction did so without really understanding issues as hand, as a way to show off how "advanced" and "humane" they were. Ideally, it would be. But nowadays, traditionalism has largely been eliminated...
  9. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    ...and you summed up the entire issue. A healthy society requires progressive, conservative and traditionalist elements in order to adapt and survive, but modern mentality (specifically as introduced by Marxist revolutionary thought) and society (as structured by democratic competition for...
  10. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    This is from my notes for the future "Why Left Always Wins" article for my Dark Enlightenment blog. I thought to post it because it shows my idea of the "left-center-right" divide: - conservatism is incapable of countering progressivism - today's political spectrum consists of the left and...
  11. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Right. Maybe I'll make a topic about it... someday... as I do think it is both valid, important and interesting discussion (we had it once on uni, and I had a blast). Anyway, onto topic... personally I would say that there is less of a Left-Right divide than Extreme Left - Center divide. But...
  12. Aldarion

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Baby is not an internal organ. It is an organism which is developing within another. Organ is defined by genetic compatibility and belonging to an organism - but baby has to be fed through placenta because otherwise mother's immune system would attack the baby. If that isn't enough of proof that...