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  1. Aldarion

    Newt Gingrich learns that you can’t mention George Soros on Fox News

    That I think is a consequence of human psyche. Basically, people who get the power are usually precisely the people who shouldn't have it. And while in hereditary monarchy you at least get a chance - a roll of the dice - that next ruler will not be a psychopath (Byzantines OTOH ensured that by...
  2. Aldarion

    Newt Gingrich learns that you can’t mention George Soros on Fox News

    He is the mercenary / front for finance interests - banking dynasties such as Rotschild, Goldman-Sachs, Rockefeller, Morgan etc. being the most obvious of the bunch. Medieval Church truly was correct about bankers being evil incarnate...
  3. Aldarion

    Newt Gingrich learns that you can’t mention George Soros on Fox News

    I didn't say that he was or was not Nazi collaborator (and him being 13 hardly makes it impossible that he was a collaborator; it does bring into question how morally responsible he will have been if he was). I was merely replying to the question of location where his alleged collaboration took...
  4. Aldarion

    Newt Gingrich learns that you can’t mention George Soros on Fox News

    In Hungary, actually. IIRC, his accumulation of wealth actually started back then, though he only make a big break through some sort of a scam - I forgot what exactly, just that it had to do with exploiting an economic crisis.
  5. Aldarion

    Newt Gingrich learns that you can’t mention George Soros on Fox News

    I think it might be, in part, a consequence of the whole "antisemitism" thing. Much like Holocaust denial is partly a consequence of the attention Holocaust gets, while many other genocides and pogroms are ignored (Nazi genocides against Poles, Serbs, Russians etc.; Communist genocides against...