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  1. Agent23

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    According to RazorFist you had, and still have, federal marshals before the FBI was created as a temporary agency to fight alcohol bootleggers, but apparently Hoover was focusing on collecting dirt on politicians and celebrities, then blackmailing them to keep his ass afloat instead.
  2. Agent23

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    Telecommuting was possible 10 years ago, the tech was there, the boomer bosses were the problem.And still are. You have one more nail that needs to be driven into the overpriced mega-city coffin, IMO, the trendy, moviestar hype of those places needs to die, too. The problem is that lots of...
  3. Agent23

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    Megacities have outlived their utility. They made sense when industry, public and private bureaucracy and communications were much more centralized and harder to implement and when transportation systems were much less developed. Places like NY IMHO are seeing diminishing returns and frankly a...
  4. Agent23

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    A lot of people do not like Dalio, but you should take a look at this. TBH the USA is probably in the worst possible Fourth Turning in its history at the moment.