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  1. Abhorsen

    Breaking News Trump Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo

    No, it's going to be close. And a good defense one can politically hide behind is worth a lot, as politicians are valuing the Trump vote. But if you don't give someone a reason not to vote to convict, they might just vote to convict.
  2. Abhorsen

    Breaking News Trump Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo

    No, there are good pro-trump lawyers even. If this is what he choose to represent him, he deserves everything he get.
  3. Abhorsen

    Breaking News Trump Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo

    No, there's plenty of decent republican lawyers. Trump has had a shitty taste in lawyers since Giuliani, followed by the Kraken crazies, then this. You don't seem to see any flaws in Trump, just as others only see flaws in him. Both are bad.
  4. Abhorsen

    Breaking News Trump Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Honestly, if Trump loses, he deserves it for that lawyer.
  5. Abhorsen

    Breaking News Trump Impeachment 2: Electric Boogaloo

    Trump seemed to hire the worst lawyer, so that's a lot of help. \sarcasm Here's Crowder ripping him a new one: