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  1. Abhishekm

    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    Which is kinda antithetical to the clock in cash out mentality of the stereotypical union clique. Change? Modernization? Automation!? What are these words and why do they threaten the grift? I am Shook! That said screw John Deere AND the Unions. Let them eat each other.
  2. Abhishekm

    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    Equipment and method overhauls also mean employee changes or heavy retraining. What were the Union stances on that exactly? Kinda have a feeling the answer would be a 'Them fancy shmancy arc smelters took ere jerbs!'.
  3. Abhishekm

    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    Uh, pretty sure they were on the assembly line not in the finished tractors.