1. Abhishekm

    EU West Gremany (And later just Germany) made pedophiles into foster parents for hundreds of kids and allowed them to be abused for decades

    Or and bear with me here the German government is shit, has always been shit and likely always will be shit. Besides I kinda fail to see where the church was involved in any part of this apart from somebody having probably cracking a pedo priest joke at some point investigating this.
  2. Abhishekm

    EU West Gremany (And later just Germany) made pedophiles into foster parents for hundreds of kids and allowed them to be abused for decades

    Why is this all in a thread about State sanctioned Pedophile rings in Germany?
  3. Abhishekm

    EU West Gremany (And later just Germany) made pedophiles into foster parents for hundreds of kids and allowed them to be abused for decades

    Sex positive sex negative. Don't you guys have enough buzz word terms for things already without bringing more in every time you think up some 'new grand arching theory of how the world supposedly works. Catchy terms for concepts was a mistake. Eugh!