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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    Indeed.Lake Baikal would be good buffer,too.Anything more - not with their technology.
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    All valid questions. 1.Japan raised 200+ dyvisions in OTL - so they could take Syberia.And if they attacked only Dutch to get oil,then USA would must declare war on them.Considering USA attituda against yellow races,they would lost badly first few battles. Without Pearl effect,USA public would...
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    1.American Navy belived in their superiority over yellow race.If they go to battle without being beaten first,they would underestimate Japan and lost. 2.You could not wage modern war without oil - and Allies would remowed soviet rafineries in first 2 weeks. And if soviet air forces was full of...
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    If they do not wanted Iran,then why they made their own puppet goverment there? and why do not leaved in 1945,when Lend- lease ended ? Did you saw soviet union crest? it is hammer and sicle - on Earth globe. Did you hear soviet songs? they are about uniting Earth under their loving care.Soviets...
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    USA Pacific fleet would meet japanees in sea battle - and they would lost.After that,in 1942 was elections,and public would ask why our boys die for colonial powers.Good chance for peace with Japan. About Europe - soviet air forces was so "good",that germans used Ju87 on East front till they...
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    Or not.If Japan simply attacked Dutch colonies and not british or american,american public would not support war.FDR could cook up casus belli and send fleet anyway,but that fleet would be sunked,and he would must made peace then. P.S FDR was sadly not commie,but useful idiot.That is why he gave...
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    He planned to send few small ships go near Taiwan and hoped,that Japan would sunk them.And send more destroyers to attack german submarines.He would finally get what he wonted,Pearl or not Pearl. Difference is - would he manage to involve both Japan and Germany,or only one.
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    They had 6:1 tank and 3:1 planes advantage over germans,better artillery - and still in first 3 weeks almost do not fight loosing 11.000 tanks/german infrantry dyvisions was making more then 20km per day,which mean that they practically do not fought - and lost 2 KIA for one soviet tank/ Which...
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    WI: Imperial Japan joins in Operation Barbarossa

    It was considered at least once - by Peter G.Tsouras /Hokushin - second russo-japaneese war/ in "Rising sun Victorious" anthology/most other scenarios do not let Japan win/ Basically japaneese come with help of NKWD officer who run to them before,win and soviet union ceased to be in 1941. Good...