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    2020 Coup Porn

    It would still worked, if economy was stable and China do not threathened USA supremacy. In Poland leftist are making exactly the same mistake like in USA - becouse it worked for turning conservative Western Europe into leftist . They forget,that political enviromement changed - and still try...
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    2020 Coup Porn

    I just read book "O cywilizacji śmierci" /my translation - about cyvilisation of death/ by Marek Chodakiewicz, who is american - polish professor in The Institute of World Politics. He belive,that both Poland and USA are divided between Party of life and Party of death,people who support Western...
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    2020 Coup Porn

    Those who kneel showed their true colors, so real traitors must still be hiding.And wait for right hour to attack. But i still do not think,that it would be enough to take USA from within.If they waited 10-20 years, then they would win. So - why act now ? leftist on streets are useful idiots...
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    2020 Coup Porn

    I think,that leftist would succed, if they really had army behind them.Becouse tanks always win with rifles.But if all they have is few generals without soldiers, then they would lost. Well,we would see what we would see.