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  1. J

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    "Is my understanding of the basic foundations of law so out of touch?" "No, its the Supreme Court who is wrong"
  2. J

    Election 2020 Election 2020: It's (almost) over! (maybe...possibly...ahh who are we kidding, it's 2020!)

    This place is starting to remind me of how VNN said to get your news from Hezbollah.
  3. J

    No True ChiCom/Commie Derail Thread

    Evidence doesn't back that up. ;) "Snobbish" But no, I don't actually care about getting the last word in, so feel free to have it. If this is intended to rile me up, I have to break it to you that its gender neutral where I live. If you identify female and you feel my language was...
  4. J

    No True ChiCom/Commie Derail Thread

    Friend, your posts are turning into utter babble in your rush to respond to me. Also, its Her.
  5. J

    No True ChiCom/Commie Derail Thread

    Man are you still mad about that? That isn't a political thing, I actually really like Pizza and will paradrop into it. Sorry if I offended your brand loyalty, but its a garbage pizza and I hate seeing people eat terrible things. Nah, I actually jump in when I see something I honestly feel like...
  6. J

    No True ChiCom/Commie Derail Thread

    Please don't throw slow lobs over home plate. This is of course silly anyway, because it is in fact not the 1920s, and there are a great many sarcastic responses (and many more unsarcastic responses which aren't as fun) available to highlight a hundred years of political shifts. Facebook one...
  7. J

    No True ChiCom/Commie Derail Thread

    I'm going to be honest with you: This exact kind of thing is why they thought you guys were so bad at debating that you needed a safe space to protect you from leftists. "What does the worlds second largest economy and our primary sociopolitical rival actually believe?" is a pretty basic...
  8. J

    #MeToo and Cancel Culture: Friday is bring your own torches and pitchforks day!

    Papa John's at their peak "best" can't match the worst pizza I would consider eating now. National pizza chains are uniformly bad and only vary in how close to absolute garbage they are. You should cancel awful pizza and find a good local pizza place. If you don't have any good local or even...
  9. J


    I literally can't say. I can see your thought processes but not his, so I would not even hazard a guess at what long term psychological issues he may have. However, the most obvious thing based on what you've said is that at a minimum he's exerting greater control over others in an attempt to...
  10. J


    I'll be honest with you: I think a cry for help is the actual topic of this thread, whether you intended it to be or not. There are a couple overlapping elements at play from what I am seeing: An existing psychological condition you are experiencing. I'm not qualified to diagnose someone (and...
  11. J

    Suggestions Getting rid of the NSFW forums

    Only if you have a narrow and honestly sad view of what constitutes freedom of speech. It's basic socialization to understand that not all things are appropriate for all situations/places, and its a mark of immaturity to think that not being able to bring erotica into every venue is a great...
  12. J

    Commentary on the current affairs of The Sietch

    Alternatively, if it is, you are very much on the wrong side of "chill".
  13. J

    Commentary on the current affairs of The Sietch

    Friend, you got really upset over discussion of optics and I'm the one who brought the entire thing up, aside from UA. If you weren't directing at me, then I apologize, but if so its down to poor communication on your part rather than anything inside me. And if this is you calm, well, sorry if...
  14. J

    Commentary on the current affairs of The Sietch

    This isn't intended as an insult, but good lord, calm down. If you get this riled up over legitimately offered constructive criticism, you are going to have a hard time dealing with people showing up to actually shit on you. You need some thicker skin if you want to make it as a moderator and...
  15. J

    Commentary on the current affairs of The Sietch

    I think you're substantially misunderstanding the situation here: I'm not feeling attacked (at least not in any way I would ever be concerned about), I'm pointing out errors you're making in an official capacity. I feel a bit silly and awkward for having to ask, but are you aware that you will...
  16. J

    Commentary on the current affairs of The Sietch

    This is a single platform, what is the security concern of having a single account on a single forum? Nobody is asking you to make it the same as anywhere else, or use your Blizzard Real Name. Just a single account on a single forum. This is a pretty unforced error that you should probably...
  17. J

    Commentary on the current affairs of The Sietch

    So I'll give some constructive criticism of this site: You don't have enough members for a sustainable forum. Currently the top 20 accounts represent almost 50% of the current total posts. That's accounts, not members given the existence of alts, and doesn't include Deleted Member 1, whose...