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  1. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    we really shouldn't let her get a pass on this one.
  2. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    its very easy to understand. If just 20% of the black vote switches republican the democrats cant win elections anymore. Just 20% Hence all of the screaming of racism and all of this nonsense. Once they lose that 20% thats when the dems give up on democracy and we will see them go fully insane.
  3. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    It turns out the skillset needed to get power and the skill set needed to actually run things are different skillsets.
  4. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    yep saw this coming.
  5. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    He's pretty self rightous for some one responsible for killing grandmothers and molesting interns.
  6. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    Not just manhattan the entire fucking city is over valued.
  7. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    I also see more and more people fleeing new york city and a whole lot of business that are never coming back.
  8. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    Honestly fine so be it, if they want places just for black people I can respect that, just don't go asking for white, latino, or asian money. They can rise or fall on their own merits.
  9. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    don't really have much pitty for him or his ilk after what they did to us.
  10. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    I completely understand.
  11. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    In California people just shit in the street
  12. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    The kid gloves will come off but I don't think it will be trump who does it.
  13. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    This is what the people of new york want. Remember when Julani cleaned up the town the people there did nothing but bitch and moan about it for years. New yorkers hated him for doing that dispised him for doing that. If there isn't piss on the streets, and a chance of being stabbed to death...
  14. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    When the bubble bursts it will fuck their economy hard in the short run. In the long run it might be nessary for the city to rebuild itself, the way things are going isnt even remotely sustainable.
  15. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    I think the only way NYC will improve is to hit rock bottom. Only then will people understand just how much they fucked up, just like any other adict.
  16. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    Let them fight?
  17. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    and those advocates lose in the general. Because the worse you make this the more you fuck with peoples live and the longer you do it the more tempting it is for some one who simply offers. "I will give you your life back."
  18. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    ok if your a democrat declare victory say that you have vaxed enough people and stop the lockdowns. Just take the win and walk away. If you drag this shit out you will lose.
  19. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    man made himself very hated enough that he could have swung the governorship to the republicans.
  20. C

    United States The Empire State (NY St) Thread

    That's actually backfiring it turns out most leftrugees actually learn from their mistakes.