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  1. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest "What happened: Authorities busted a Democratic donor for allegedly starting a "ginormous inferno" in Yosemite National Park. Democratic politicians had insisted climate change...
  2. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Has been for more than a year. Was nearly $6 for a while.
  3. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Most state have no use for desalination as they are inland or have plenty of water already. The Southwest suffers from this problem because it is largely desert. No one needs desalination in Illinois, for example, which is why most of the plants are out in California.
  4. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I saw an article about how we might not close the Diablo nuclear plant. It's so little and so late, but if that no nuclear idiocy could be turned around that'd be nice.
  5. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I used to live in Tucson, it relies on an isolated underground aquifer. New home construction is to provide for water use which means (at least for now) a cap on new construction. There really is only so much water there locally, but we'll see how long it takes for the political incentive to...
  6. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Plenty fled from Washington state too. And from the urban north east. It's not just Californians you have to watch out for.
  7. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I saw LA in the late 90's and was shocked at how dirty and dried out everything looked and all the homeless everywhere. It's not that much different now really, just worse. I think we had a pretty good idea:
  8. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    He's one of the few candidates with any promotion that I've seen, and it's in a DNC commercial to vote NO where they say he's going to do that. Really not super smart I think, there are a load of candidates on the ballot and naming one gives him some recognition while at the same time free...
  9. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    So, had some time to look into it and there are two given reasons for the holes. The holes on either side of the signature line are to help the blind and visually impaired sign their ballot. One hole goes through so that when a ballot is processed it is clear that there is no ballot in the envelope.
  10. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    And shout out to a back of the ballot candidate: Chancey "Slim" Killens, Republican, Retired Correctional Officer. Hell of a name. Of the 19 on the back, that's a great name. 27 on the front (now counting Newsom) makes for 46 choices to vote for, many with no party affiliation. That part I found...
  11. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    My argument is that a series of random happenings does not make a plot. I have to fold the ballot a certain way, place it in the envelope a certain way, and it has to be sitting at the upper corner for this to be an issue at all. So yes, it is an issue, but it is also hardly a good or well...
  12. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    All I have to do to defeat this plot is fold the ballot so the top third is covered by the bottom third. That's not even using new folds, just instead of the top third over the bottom third. There are 27 candidates to choose from on the one side (more on the opposite), the outside of the middle...
  13. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I have voted by mail in Arizona and now California since 2015 (frankly prefer not going to polling places and voting at my leisure), they have these holes adjacent to the signature line on the back of the envelope and one of them does through to the front. I'll speculate since I can't research...
  14. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I have one of these ballots on my desk next to me. I can confirm that is you fold the ballot as it was folded and place the ballot in the envelope facing this one way and position the ballot in the envelope towards the upper side you would be able to see this circle. It's not a very good plan...
  15. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Got my mail in ballot for the recall of the Governor. Brightened my day a bit. Even if it doesn't take, it feels good to vote to remove.
  16. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Not really worse as opposed to continues to be terrible: Largest active US fire destroys California town
  17. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I make a few trips to Arizona a year and it's 6-8 hours from LA to Phoenix, the real population centers in California are on the west coast, not inland. But I'll get get plenty of bacon when I pick up tortillas like I already do when I'm in AZ and might get my next PC in that state too. Fuck...
  18. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Those are valuable. Change Wake island to Woke island, they can keep on having the power and water problems already present in California.
  19. Robovski

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Might be time to open a screwdriver shop here in Long Beach.