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  1. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Travis Bickle: All the animals come out at night - whores, skunk pussies, buggers, queens, fairies, dopers, junkies, sick, venal. Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.
  2. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Seattle bulldozes BLM garden Final vestige of the Seattle CHAZ/CHOP bulldozed. City officials say BLM "garden" was a rat infested camp for homeless drug addicts. Though to be fair, Seattle is a rat infested camp for homeless...
  3. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Wouldn't surprise me. Then again, it could be just a coincidence.
  4. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Something tells me they won't be getting nearly the same warm reception as the first time....
  5. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Hey now. Most dwarfs (excluding nobles) have more sense and skill then these people do. They at least can build their own settlements.
  6. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    I think he’s completely right when it comes to that.
  7. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Oh no such a tragedy! Siri, play ‘Country Roads’ to the tune of Fallout 76.
  8. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    CHAZ has grown - they've taken over a nearby park, covered it with graffiti, destroyed parts of it and built a new tent city there. EDIT: They've been pushed back to just 3 blocks
  9. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    A pink unicorn flag being raised by communist larpers on a overflowing trashcan. Sort of sums up the far left in one image, doesn't it?
  10. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Note sure if I'm allowed to post this here or not. Just to be clear: this happened in the USA, not Chaz. This Chazzer was illegally in our country without proper documentation. Some gems from the comments section:
  11. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    THE RIDE NEVER ENDS. Turns out that the people of the CHAZ trying to actually implement their demented identitarian ideology.
  12. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Crackdown on autonomous zones: Tennessee governor says he won't tolerate protester camp in Nashville as North Carolina cops tear down barricades - but Seattle police union says city is near 'lawlessness'...
  13. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    On a more light-hearted note... For the unfortunate people who don't get the reference:
  14. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Target Practice for the people they try to go after I'd expect.
  15. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    If it does, then it will be exponentially more difficult for the media to cover up and exponentially more likely to fail with each city this happens in. Never mind that Seattle's is only happening because its being allowed to happen with by the mayor and so on. Also:
  16. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Timeline of the CHAZ. Day 1: One of their Leaders ousted for sexual assault, sexual abuse, and domestic abuse. All their food stolen by the homeless. Day 2: 'Warlord' Raz Simone* takes power since he's the only one with guns, states, 'we are the police now' and beats a man for tagging a wall...
  17. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Given how quickly this is collapsing, I dare say that any serious attempt at a power grab by Antifa will be bulldozed. Especially now; this is been a wake up call for people in those areas.
  18. DarthOne

    United States Capital Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) & The Warlord Raz Saga

    Oops. My bad. I can’t find it again, so I assume it’s been taken down?