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  1. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    That's already a felony with very harsh circumstances. The difference is that solicitation does not require any actual contact or intent, and if this bill is passed in either the original form *or* the less harsh committee form, it would become a strict-liability offense.
  2. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Under existing state laws, soliciting or agreeing to engage in an act of prostitution is defined as a form of disorderly conduct, which is a misdemeanor. It's still a misdemeanor if the person solicited was a minor *and* the person doing the solicited "knew or reasonably should have known" that...
  3. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Feinstein was a moderate Democrat who was quite unpopular (but undeniably effective) as Mayor of San Francisco specifically because most of the city was substantially more liberal than she.
  4. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Yes and no. In most states, a city can disincorporate itself, which permanently dissolves the legal entity of the city and turns it back into unincorporated territory within the county that contains it. A city can also contract its borders by "withdrawing", which converts the abandoned portions...
  5. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    This is literally a wild idea that a couple of rando state legislators are pushing. It's not really reasonable to sneer at the whole city as if this had widespread support, especially when the discontent it addresses *isn't* a "liberal thing".
  6. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Most retail stores are long term commercial leases in the first place. Like, it's understandable that people get upset when the *only* grocery store they have convenient access to closes down, but trying to ban store closures is a non-solution.
  7. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    This reminds me of when people in the unincorporated small town I grew up in threw a collective tantrum when the local K-Mart closed and Home Depot secured a long-term lease on the vacant space. This was an unincorporated small town on the outskirts of the Los Angeles metropolitan region so...
  8. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I would point out that LEGO sets were historically billed and advertised as toys for *all* children. The perception of LEGO as for boys came from toy stores and department stores deciding to shelve LEGO sets with "boy toys" unless they were explicitly "girly" series like Paradisa and Belleville...
  9. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I'm pretty sure "gender neutral" here is satisfied simply by grouping toys on the basis of type rather than gender -- i.e., all the LEGO sets should be together, as opposed to regular LEGOs being grouped as "boy toys" and LEGO Friends sets being grouped as "girl toys".
  10. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Preferably with a high capacity semiautomatic rifle (I will point to feral hogs every time anyone says there is NO possible civilian use for an AR) or a trained horse and a fuckoff big boar spear.
  11. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Quite simply, pigs are near-absolute omnivores who are happy to eat absolutely anything they can, and while they're usually not actively aggressive towards humans because we feed them and they're smart enough to know that, humans are absolutely fair game to them under other circumstances.
  12. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Yes, it actually is; this was actually passed into state law in 1962, and made Maryland the first state to have an official sport. Apparently, jousting tournaments in Maryland date back to the colonial era, and became increasingly popular post Civil War. My significant other is from Minnesota...
  13. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Fourteen states have an official state dinosaur, and Washington was going to appoint one except they decided they had more important things to do when COVID hit.
  14. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    I reiterate that those who claim California refuses desalination because they "don't want a solution!!!!" are ignoring the very real downsides of desalination, first and foremost that it COSTS TRIPLE THE CURRENT MARKET RATE for water, and thus is not economically viable unless massively...
  15. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Literally every state has an official state bird, an official state tree, and an official state animal which is usually not the same as the state bird. Forty-eight also have a state insect, and some states go truly nuts with designating official state symbols in every possible category of being...
  16. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Attempts to eliminate the practice have happened for as long as it's been a thing, but no success. My point is simply that this is not some special dirty trick for this specific bill.
  17. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    If you look up the actual law on California's legislative website and examine the "Compare Versions" tab, you see that the bill has been completely changed twice. This is not something extra-specially sneaky; a so-called "gut and amend" has been a legislative procedure in the California state...
  18. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    It's *Mexico* that has way too much political clout -- the Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation and Drainage District supplies an extremely fertile breadbasket region which is massively more productive than the Mexican farmland it "ruins".
  19. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    Dude, the Cienega de Santa Clara "wetlands" are an artificial construct created by the construction process of the Yuma plant. They are not a legitimate natural preserve in the slightest.
  20. S

    Things get worse in The Southwest

    For that matter, the whole saga of the Yuma Desalting Plant should serve as a giant object lesson in, "Mexico operates in extreme bad faith to the point where they arguably should be treated as a rogue state." The short version of the story is: 1. Extremely salty runoff from the Wellton-Mohawk...