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  1. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    See, It's the polar opposite here in America. Maybe where you're from Being a soldier is a guaranteed dynasty builder but here in the states, the only thing we have to show for our service is PTSD, lost years of our lives and a "Healthcare system" that don't do squat. Typically those who openly...
  2. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Bahaha!!! Oh lord. Now that's funny! I was going to say the same thing to you almost word for word, except of course you being on the opposite end of the spectrum. *Sniff* well one of us is doomed if not both of us then You are assuming people in the US are self-, aware enough to turn the...
  3. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    I thought there was still some question of if he was poisoned or not? because sadly people have no spines anymore. People have become so afraid of conflict after the likes of the French and Russian revolutions and the world wars that they will cow-tow to anybody with an aura of authority for...
  4. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Perhaps but pardon the skepticism regarding my own nation considering that for the last century we've mostly been ruled by warhawks who fancy themselves as third world warlords and/or histories next Alexander the Great. (Whom was assassinated for a reason btw) as far as Patton's philosophy goes...
  5. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    You're operating under the assumption that your King/ society actually cares about you I almost guarantee it doesn't even know who you are and will gladly sacrifice you to save it's own... let's just say spine so the question is ultimately die on your own terms at the hands of an enemy or die on...
  6. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Thing is people create societies and give up the right to their own bodies to avoid becoming ground meat in the first place.what is the point then to do that if said society is going to dump you head first into the grinder anyway?
  7. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    and in 99.99% of those circumstances you don't need to force people to punch the attackers they've already started flying fist. If you are so short on volunteers that you have to forceful conscript them, you really need to question the validity of your casus belli.
  8. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    if that's the case then the king really needs to be careful about choosing his battles.
  9. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    I disagree but fair enough.
  10. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    It does when you are trying to justify something one way or the other in the name of morality. "When I steal I am branded a criminal. When you steal you are branded a god."
  11. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    But What is thinking? What is choice? Who is to say it's not just more complicated electrical signals?
  12. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Why is being killed by another human being any more or than death by disease or starvation? Animals kill each other all the time. Some even with sticks. The only difference is our sticks go boom.
  13. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Honestly I would be more willing to go with it if civil service could count as conscription. "Your religion states you can't fight or you think this an unjust war, fine you can work on the home front in the hospitals." That way you don't have a reason to kill or banish the pacifists (more than...
  14. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Now now don't you know it's a sin to envy your better's social status? Now shut up and eat your bug burger.
  15. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    and for hundreds of years, someone of high power could actually be killed if he or she angered the people who served them. Rich elites back then: have to fear their food getting poisoned or drowned in their bathtub if they messed up. Rich elites now: have to worry about their spouse's sex tape...
  16. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    the problem at least in America, (I'd I argue the modern world) is that even if Feudalism was this golden age system of autonomy. (I don't know as I'm removed like 500+ years away from it) People only know (and care) of the trappings of it. Plantation slavery and sharecropping was the Souths...
  17. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    The thing is war for existential survival is very much the exception not the norm and even in the rare cases that it is it's more often than not less about keeping a people alive and more about the king trying to use his people as a meat shield to save his own skin. Case and point Ukraine...
  18. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    that's fair. I will say though that is what I mean by technically speaking vs practically speaking. small changes completely change a word it doesn't change the fact they essentially all lead down the same road. But...I will try to do better when it comes to word usage.
  19. KilroywasNOTHere

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    to be fair you probably don't want us to get that bill. When the nonviolent people who want to keep to themselves are pushed to a breaking point all of those violent tendencies tend to spew out like an eruption. There is a reason why peasant revolts have left entire societies in ruins and...