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  1. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Do they? I know there is a severe problem in finding a better set... But different, often much crappier ones, are plentiful, all over the third world. Masses of people switching from theirs of ours are in fact a fairly infamous problem now.
  2. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    You absolutely can leave towards a separate society with a separate contract, if one will have you, or even one of the more lawless areas that don't really have much of one. It's not a great choice, but it is a choice.
  3. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    There are different societies with different implied social contracts, so making such a blanket statement is unwise.
  4. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    And once it does, it's a bit late for that to matter...
  5. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    France had conscription until 1996. USA stopped using conscripts only after using them for an unpopular distant expeditionary war.
  6. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    That's the 1917 situation, and naturally it happens when a government uses conscription rather stupidly and exploitatively without expecting trouble. Though on the other hand, why isn't it happening in Russia, China, and North Korea? Those have huge conscript armies, and the treatment of them is...
  7. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    You have answered yourself. It's an ideal, not a practical solution. Even in an optimistic scenario, this would more or less crap out as a system in the "who, when" department. That's a silly egalitarian brainbug. We have no obligation to run societies that way. And if some socialist troll...
  8. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Or more likely, an outright regime defense force like the IRGC or SS just in case the conscript army gets ideas.
  9. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Would you rather have conscription or pay the kind of taxes a place like Israel or South Korea would need to fund a fully professional army of sufficient size?
  10. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    No, the argument is that by the time the actual defending is needed it's already too late for them to sign up. Also, using conscripts for "regime defense" duties specifically is how the regime gets a speedrun of 1917, so YMMV... Also i'm absolutely not keen on it, i'm just less keen on the...
  11. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Obviously the point of conscription is not supposed to be that they die either way, contrary to what ideas some may have... Others stick with Patton's "The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his". And yet again, this is a branching point regarding...
  12. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    And what would that be? Say, money? Congratulations, you have reinvented the professional army, now with less training. Other than that, good luck with the politics and culture involved.
  13. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    What good are volunteers when they need months to be trained even without their training facilities being shot at, and the professional army can hold off the enemy for a few weeks? Do you have any idea how long it takes to train a decent tank commander, artilleryman, or SAM system operator...
  14. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    So political obfuscation it is, something that ideally should be avoided, rather than pursued. Varies greatly, depending on the type of education and what is it used for. Which funny enough, is already better reflected in the beneficiary's later earnings and taxes paid. The same could be said...
  15. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    I think that if you have a free society and want to bother with justifying conscription (as opposed to some totalitarian shithole where the government does it because it can, it's cheap, and it works, like the levies of old, simple as that) it pretty much requires an invocation of nationalism or...
  16. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    The problem with that is that it puts some ideology before military needs, while conscription in the first place is supposed to exist as a way to fulfill military needs without a ruinous budget. For example the military doesn't need an equal number of drivers and old literary arts graduates...
  17. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Well guess maladies like selective blindness (or pathological inability to use the search function, truly a plague of the internet) are a thing. Still better than shilling for the enemies of the West. Then again, you are a self-proclaimed "national leftist", and if leftists agreed with my...
  18. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    What kind of weird question is that? Are you sure it is any of your business? Do you? Well someone has to criticize your idiotic takes, and i mod here anyway, so... Do you do something with your life between trying to maintain plausible deniability between being a totally not leftist hippie...
  19. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    OMG, they are doing a draft in a defensive war that is effectively for independence if not survival as a nation, how scandalous! Don't forget that some west aligned countries have such laws themselves (Finland, Greece, South Korea, Israel, Taiwan, Turkey) and a situation similar to Ukraine's is...
  20. M

    Military Debate: Is Conscription Moral?

    Sweden is not the world hegemon to have to handle weaker allies' overseas wars. Let's not be like journos here and mention that "most reluctant" means "about as many are against as there are for it", while the other group affected by it, middle aged men, slightly supports it. Though speaking of...