Recent content by Stargazer

  1. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    Ok, so are the "many fathers, bishops, and deacons" that you appealed to the authority of the same as the "very small" group you're talking about now? If so, that doesn't seem like a satisfactory source of authority. What authority does this group have to reject the authority of the Holy Father...
  2. S

    PC Gaming Dragon Age: Now With More Dread Wolf!!! (Or Veilguard?)

    It's coming up on 10 years since the last Dragon Age game. 10 years. Congrats to BioWare/EA on driving this franchise into the ground, through sheer neglect. I have 0 faith that this game will be worth playing. I can't even be bothered to watch the videos. It came up on my YouTube feed and...
  3. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    By "Holy Father"I meant the current Pope, elected by the College of Cardinals. Bishops, fathers, and deacons in 2024? Correct me if I'm wrong, but at this point virtually all the clergy in the church can trace their ordination to Benedict XVI, John Paul II, Paul VI, or John XXIII. It's...
  4. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    My big question is, what authority do you have to determine that Vatican II contradicts previous teachings of the Church? If the Holy Father and the Magisterium judge that it does not contradict previous church teaching, who are you to say that it does?
  5. S

    Why get married

    Pearl Davis, one of the more prominent critics of "modern marriage", recently debated Catholic apologist Trent Horn on the topic "Is marriage a bad deal for men?" Trent has previously made videos critiquing Pearl and the "red pill"...
  6. S

    The Most Profound Video or Computer Games Made

    Yeah there's a little bit of conflation going on here of "profound" with "groundbreaking" or "revolutionary". They aren't the same thing. Ie, the film "Birth of a Nation" was groundbreaking in the early history of filmmaking. But hardly anyone today would call it "profound". Merriam-Webster's...
  7. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    My understanding is also that Catholics would avoid the term "change" with regard to teachings of the church. The Roman Catholic Church holds that all its doctrines that it teaches as dogmatic are the true and constant teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ, being taught since its founding. I...
  8. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    Isn't this contrary to the official doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church? That is, the Church has been given one deposit of faith, and there is no ongoing divine revelation after that deposit. The RCC claims this deposit included both sacred Scripture and the tradition handed down from the...
  9. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    I mean, sure, you could recite the Hail Mary in your thoughts with no outward expression, and technically speaking that would be "safe". But I'm not sure why anyone would do that intentionally without some kind of outward expression. It's not about "mentally" expressing awe. That's a...
  10. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    Because no amount of alms giving, penance, partaking of the mass, baptism, indulgence, and whatever other things the Catholic Church says you must do will ever merit your entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.
  11. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    Thank you for trying to engage in good faith. I hope I'm not mischaracterizing anything you're saying. 1. I would say it would be categorized as praise, expressing awe directed at the angel for what he just saw, and in doing so was improperly recognizing the angel as higher than himself (hence...
  12. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    No, I think you're starting to really mischaracterize the things I've been saying, bordering on making a straw man. One, I didn't say that prayer and worship are synonymous. I said that prayer falls under the category of worship. All prayer is worship, but not all worship is prayer. Two, I...
  13. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    After he's done stacking the College of Cardinals and the modern successor of the Inquisition with his acolytes, and reforming the leadership election process to include women and lay people? Sorry, the Roman Catholic Church is hardly reassuring as the "one weapon we have" against Marxism.
  14. S

    Catholic bullshit and defenses for it

    I'm not sure I'm following your reasoning here. We're talking about the definition of worship, and what the appropriate practice of worship is for a Christian. The scenario you suggest isn't a kind of loophole, because a Christian wouldn't be cursing God's name in his mind while worshipping. If...
  15. S

    "Woke" Franchises

    The Mass Effect trilogy certainly pushed progressive ideology at the time. Particularly in ME3, the inclusion of openly homosexual characters that the player could have a romance with was an expression of what we now call "woke" ideology. The remaster did some mild things in changing some...