Recent content by Skallagrim

  1. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Please take this dumb, off-topic fight elsewhere. Start your own thread for that nonsense.
  2. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    Well. There you unmask yourself. And what you show ain't pretty. You accuse others of being on the side of the KKK, but your own statements could come straight from one of their virulently anti-Catholic pamphlets. Not a good look. Anyway, I ask that you both take this off-topic hate-fest...
  3. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    My argument: "Reform would have been better than schism (for the reasons which I detailed)." Your response: "But what if reform didn't happen, huh?" That's a complete non sequitur, which doesn't interact with my argument at all. Your question has obviously been answered, because it's what...
  4. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    I disagree with that assessment of the historical situation. In fact, even Martin Luther's initial actions did not make a schism outright inevitable. The notion that division (rather than reform) was the only possible outcome is completely deterministic (...which, I suppose, makes it valid to...
  5. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    People here are ignoring that Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) was a noted reformer of the Church, and has gotten a bad rep because his enemies (who were far more corrupt that he was; Julius II owned seven brothels) wrote all the histories. Also, anyone who defends Savonarola -- a pychopathic...
  6. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    My reaction came across more harshly than I meant it to be. I was just trying to clarify my thoughts. I didn't mean for it to come across as attacking your post. And yes, what I expect is certainly worse than what you outlined! My view is that history has no "good guys". Not really. There are...
  7. Skallagrim

    History Alexander Tytler and the lifespan of Democracies

    I have some trouble opening these threads, probably because I don't have an acount on Twitter... er... X. But in any case, Alexis de Tocqueville noted much the same, as did many of the Founding Fathers of America. (Franklin and Adams had some insightful comments about democracies and the...
  8. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    I didn't say "condemn", I said "proscribe": a dooming to death or exile; outlawry; specifically, among the ancient Romans, the public offer of a reward for the head of a political enemy. The era in which this becomes pertinent is not a time for messing around or writing sternly-worded letters...
  9. Skallagrim

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Some mind-boggling pseudo-historical nonsense going on in this thread. @ATP's claim that Jews decided that "anti-Semitism" refers only to Jews is bullshit. As in: the complete opposite of the truth! The phrase antisemitische Vorurteile ("anti-Semitic biases") was first used in 1860, indeed...
  10. Skallagrim

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Vader Piet is simply Dutch for "Father Pete". In other news: if you're familiar with the planet Dromund Kaas, it might be amusing to learn that Kaas is Dutch for "Cheese". :p There's actually a lot of weird Dutch-isms in SW, and I think some of them are intentional. (For instance, there's the...
  11. Skallagrim

    History Western Civilization, Rome and Cyclical History

    As usual, he has sharp and astute observations. Generally correct, too, with only ever a few point that are a bit more iffy. But in the context of macro-history, he suffers from a confusion of terms. Specifically, no clear concept of civilisation. And because of that lack of clear definition...
  12. Skallagrim

    Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

    A David to crush the barbarians; a Solomon to build the temple. Let it be so.
  13. Skallagrim

    Hamas Launches Offensive Against Southern Israel

    What I don't get is: why have the Israelis been -- essentially -- pussying around the matter, while still suffering the supposed fall-out of the "hard-line" approach, namely considerable push-back from the international community? Literally every other approach would have been better than what...
  14. Skallagrim

    Top Twenty Most Iconic Video Game Characters of All Time!!!!1

    This list is obviously a ridiculous failure, without that most iconic character.... But seriously, some things/placings on that list are pretty absurd. Characters that are truly iconic tend to be pretty timeless by definition. Before even opening this thread, my first thought upon seeing...
  15. Skallagrim

    Five minutes of hate news

    Not at all. Revolution means "turning". It doesn't even have to be violent, and it certainly isn't bound to an ideology. "The rapid overturning of the governing regime and its replacement by a new regime" is a fairly decent approximation of a definition for this concept. Suppose a nation is...