Recent content by Bassoe

  1. Bassoe

    ROB has put you in charge of Disney.

    I'm tempted to try and adapt Terry Bisson's Voyage to the Red Planet, purely for the metafictional meme potential. To elaborate, the plot of Voyage is that in a cyberpunk, corporatocracy-dominated neofeudal future, the heir nobody expected to actually take the Disney throne and therefore...
  2. Bassoe

    Helldivers vs. Afghanistan

    Given the regional track record, they fail. Somehow. Don't ask me, they've got the technological, numerical and willingness-to-engage-in-genocide-to-prevent-guerrilla-resistance advantages, but they'll lose anyway.
  3. Bassoe

    The YouTubes Repository

    For me, loads of sculpting tutorial demonstration channels. Clay and/or kitbashing. North of the Border Ace of Clay Crafty Art Steven Richter Dr. Garuda Just Crab JackJackCreator Art Chong Art Zan Von Zed Bill Making Stuff Blinded by Daylight Studson Studio wAw Creator B Crafts...
  4. Bassoe

    Artwork Bassoe's Clay Sculptures
    Threadmarks: Yellowspot

  5. Bassoe

    Artwork Bassoe's Clay Sculptures
    Threadmarks: Goathorns

  6. Bassoe

    What if the Institute helped Nazi Germany?

    How long is he going to remain in charge anyway when his Institute "advisors" can have him swapped for a more manageable robotic replica? Starting paranoid witch hunts for infiltrators has been underrated so far in this discussion.
  7. Bassoe

    Military Will the American Oligarchy Accept Limits or Choose World War Three? by Conor Gallagher

    source To quote a commenter; The problems are obvious, our nation's capacities have been hollowed out by zero-sum globalism and our leadership are imbeciles who quite probably will prefer a nuclear ragequit over multipolarity. So the question is, what can be done?
  8. Bassoe

    "TradWives" Triggering Unhappy Feminists

    It's not about efficiency which is good because it isn't efficient, rather, that situations where majorities of women vote to send men to die in a war they're allowed to stay home from shouldn't happen. Or rather, shouldn't happen again, it's already the case in modern Sweden in which...
  9. Bassoe

    Israel 🇮🇱 State of Israel Thread

    Using us as cannon fodder to fight their wars and driving fleeing hordes of their enemies towards our countries.
  10. Bassoe

    Artwork Bassoe's Clay Sculptures
    Threadmarks: Redshell

  11. Bassoe

    Artwork Bassoe's Clay Sculptures
    Threadmarks: Purplefrill

    A clay statuette of a creature with three eyes and purplish frills on its neck.
  12. Bassoe

    Helldivers! Managed Democracy Foreign Affairs Simulator!

    additional music
  13. Bassoe

    Dune part 2

    I think the ideal twist could've been for Chani to be all for the jihad and that's why she and Paul were having relationship difficulties. Different cultures, different value sets. Paul's Atreides, seeped in noblesse oblige and caring for his societal lessors. Chani, meanwhile, is a Fremen, a...
  14. Bassoe

    Culture Dehumanizing Human Supremacist Tripe (if You really want to feel good about Your kind, then pick a culture and celebrate it)

    *shrugs* I only read the tvtropes page. But yeah, that sounds reasonable enough. If the herbivore alliance xenos genocidally hate us anyway, there's no reason not to live down to their expectations by teaming up with a bunch of cannibals who stage piratical raids on their enemies' worlds to...