Your personal political evolution

I guess mine would be like this...


Pretty sure I can guess the ages correctly at each point in time. Basically everything in the blue red and green quadrants happened during edgy teenage phases. The final quadrant happened after becoming an adult and entering the workforce.
Pretty sure I can guess the ages correctly at each point in time. Basically everything in the blue red and green quadrants happened during edgy teenage phases. The final quadrant happened after becoming an adult and entering the workforce.
Any examples of your personal beliefs on current events, in regards to such a stance? :V
Sure. Just name the events.
Um well to be honest.

Grew up as the only white jew in the barrio and my teachers coddling people who beat the absolute shit out of me for years at a time really fucking soured me on leftism, like by a lot. Growing up in california and seeing government fuck up over and over again and directly fail.

Its really fucking hard to belive the government is the solution when its failures are shoved in your face. I earned my way to community college and then double majored to make sure I got a decent job because thats what teachers said what my parents said.

All of it fucking lies, my degrees both of them worthless, I skipped parties I studied until my eyes bleed, I lived a more or less monastic life just for good grades for the middle class life that a degree promised. I worked shitty jobs and spammed scripts to get enough money to pay for it.

And in those shitty jobs I dealt with socialists who were simply the worst customers ever, rude and mean and cruel to the people who worked to sell them fast food. In the class room they were just as horrible and as I studied history and dealt with them I couldn't help but to grow to hate them more and more.

When I graduated and did research I saw these little psychos terrorise anyone who disagreed with them, needless to say I have a pretty insense hate of communists and socialists ect.

My politcal goals came out of this a desire to be left the fuck alone, to bring governance down to the most local level. To let every one have some autonomy over their own community. I want to do what works for me, and I accept what's right for me isn't right for some one else.

Sadly more and more it looks like the same petty tyrants who made my youth a living fucking hell have the reigns of power and see them doing to the country and world what they did to others in their formative years. Stupid spoiled children who never grew up.

Yeah I'm bitter and angry about all of it.
Covid pandemic.


Russia vs Ukraine War.
1) Covid pandemic: pandemic that was overblown in an effort to gain as much control for the Left as possible. And very likely was released from a lab somewhere. Possibly even as a way to discredit Trump and other anti-Cathedral types.

2) Immigration: immigration is genocide, plain and simple. And rich people want immigration in order to destroy humanity, literally erase everything that makes humans, well, human, and turn entire West (and probably the world) into a nondescript mass of barely-animate insectoid worker drones.

3) Whoever wins, Ukraine loses. Russia is clearly an aggressor there, but I have no trouble believing that Western elites may have provoked the war in order to weaken Russia, prepare Ukraine for Western leftoid takeover and kill as many white people as possible.

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