Excellence in Shitlording

To be fair america had been an Isolationist power for generations, and in general had a pretty shitty spy network and our knowlege of the outside world was kind of shit. Thus we were thrust into a situation we were completely unprepared for and had a lot of fuck ups along the way.

There is a big difference between dominating and managing a hemisphere and engaging in a global conflict against an utterly evil idelology. Quite simply put we were not anywhere near prepared for that conflict.

True for public and part of politicians.Wall Street financed soviets from 1917.And Democrats gave them Central Europe fully aware of what it means.
Worst thing is,that if not for Reagan,USA would burn for it stupidity later.
Becouse do not smashing soviets in 1945 was evil,but mainly stupid - and suicidal in long run.

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