Breaking News San Francisco elects Weathermen-raised DA


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This is not a joke.

Welcome to the new face of the law in San Francisco, or rather lack there.

In today's San Francisco, there’s a car break-in every 20 minutes. Public urination has gotten so out of control that the city spent $20 million to build open-air urinals in different parks — an effort that still hasn't reduced the amount of human feces, urine, and vomit that can be found on the streets at any given time. And now there are just under 10,000 homeless individuals living on San Francisco's streets — a crisis that rivals homelessness in third world countries.

San Francisco's new district attorney plans to do absolutely nothing about it.

Chesa Boudin, a former deputy public defender who won the city's heated district attorney race last week, says he plans to turn his attention to police brutality and mass incarceration.

“When we started this campaign, we believed that the people of San Francisco wanted a different vision of justice,” Boudin told the Washington Post. “We were right. In voting for this campaign, the residents of San Francisco have demanded radical change and rejected calls to go back to the tough-on-crime era that did not make us safer and destroyed the lives of thousands of San Franciscans.”

That new "vision of justice" does not include enforcement against the many quality-of-life crimes that are well in the process of turning San Francisco from a prosperous metropolis into a third-world dystopia. In fact, Boudin has promised that he won't prosecute these crimes at all.

"We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes," Boudin said during the campaign. "Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted. Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted. We have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness."

This sounds bad, except it gets worse; for you see, Boudin was actually raised by Bill Ayers himself when his parents, who were both members of the Weathermen, were in Federal Prison. Or, as Townhall puts it very bluntly:

San Francisco Voters Elect Radical District Attorney, Son of Cop-Killing Terrorists

Progressive candidate Chesa Boudin wants to free criminals but prosecute police and ICE agents for doing their jobs. It's no surprise Boudin hates cops so much. His parents did, too. Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert were terrorists in the Weather Underground who murdered two police officers and a security guard during a 1981 robbery of a Brinks armored security car outside New York City.

There should be a law that children of terrorists who share their parents' worldview are barred from holding public office, especially the role of the chief law enforcement officer. Boudin's dad is still in prison so he can't kill any more cops, but his mother is out. Naturally, she is an assistant professor at Columbia University.

After his parents killed the cops, Boudin was sent to live with two other terrorists, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Dohrn declared war on the United States and was on the FBI's Most Wanted list. Ayers bombed the Pentagon, the U.S. Capitol building, and the New York City Police Department before he and Dohrn became fugitives and went into hiding. The pair eventually came out of hiding and settled in as university professors.

As district attorney, Boudin plans to decriminalize crime and close down jails. He believes the criminal justice system is racist, and he plans to cut back on the time criminals serve under parole supervision, which he thinks is also racist. Boudin also wants to stop prosecuting gang members to the full extent of the law because he thinks that's racist, too. He thinks everything is racist.
Anyone else getting the feeling that this is what California needs?
Plus, even if it does get other areas taxed, it still is a part of the economy.....where will yoy guys get your Hollywood Movies and Tv Shows?

Wherever else people decide to start making movies and TV? Hollywood is unique in its concentration of acting/directing/etc, not it being present in the first place. America has always been an entrepreneurial nation.

Frankly, with how bad Hollywood has been getting, I think that something less needlessly horrific and vindictive destroying Hollywood, such as a large fire going through studio lots during off-hours when almost nobody is present, followed by a massive investigation into the sort of illegal sexual and drug habits a lot of the bigwigs have, would likely result in an improvement in move production quality with the replacements that popped up.
Anyone else getting the feeling that this is what California needs?
A very cold and heartless suggestion but if the Earth's natural environment decides to fuck up an area it'll be done with the aftermath to follow.

Or the filthiness I keep hearing develops a natural spreading epidemic for California to get quarantined.
A very cold and heartless suggestion but if the Earth's natural environment decides to fuck up an area it'll be done with the aftermath to follow.

Or the filthiness I keep hearing develops a natural spreading epidemic for California to get quarantined.

There was nothing cold in my heart, let me assure you. I was thinking of this:

JRR Tolkien said:
They had come to the desolation that lay before Mordor: the lasting monument to the dark labour of its slaves that should endure when all their purposes were made void; a land defiled, diseased beyond all healing — unless the Great Sea should enter in and wash it with oblivion. ‘I feel sick,’ said Sam. Frodo did not speak.

Probably better applied to an area rendered uninhabitable by industrial pollution, but anyway...
Anyone else getting the feeling that this is what California needs?
No, absolutely not.

California's problems are entirely due to the politically active left wing being isolated from the consequences of their policies by power, money and wanton Soviet-style nomenklatura levels of hypocrisy.

What CA needs is the powerful to feel the pain, and be precluded from emigrating or exempting themselves from the policies they want from the little people.
No, absolutely not.

California's problems are entirely due to the politically active left wing being isolated from the consequences of their policies by power, money and wanton Soviet-style nomenklatura levels of hypocrisy.

What CA needs is the powerful to feel the pain, and be precluded from emigrating or exempting themselves from the policies they want from the little people.

How are "the powerful" able to impose those policies without public support?
The Curly Effect?
No. The Curley effect requires consciousness of the effects of your actions. Unless CA Democrats are smarter and better liars than they appear to be on TV, they genuinely believe what they are doing makes things better, even though they move heaven and hell in their private lives to avoid what they consistently vote for.

It's more that CA is very good at making people poor and trapped here, so a lot of people lack the resources or ability to get out.

Then you have election laws like jungle primaries and ballot harvesting, which systematically favor entrenched political interests. The primary in most places means no Republican in the general election, and thus no ability to protest vote. Especially when the political infrastructure is collecting the ballots. Both syspematically tilt the playing field toward the politically active and existing power structures.
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