2020 Coup Porn

If the Armed Forces don’t fight for Sleepy Joe, I expect them to at the very least sit this one out

More prolonged riots though

God, where do these guys get all their energy to keep on shouting and screaming?
I wouldn’t count the Armed Forces out entirely, as Zachowon’s said before, there are people in it who believe in BLM and ANTIFA in a very naive sense

Think of how many people are still skeptical as to whether or not SJWs exist and have influence and actually can and will ruin a person and call them bigots as justification

It may have been an attempt at deescalation but there were soldiers “kneeling in solidarity” with them and the riots continued anyway

It was de-escalation Carl. I believe this was explained to you before.

And most of the riots nationwide were largely curbed when the National Guard showed up in lots of American cities that first weekend. There have been riots since then but that was almost exclusively done AFAIK with the National Guard not being present or mobilized.
And I'd argue that it was an act of sedition and a national disgrace to kneel and given how infiltrated the Pentagon is?

I doubt it...More like, it was ordered and they obeyed. Our massive welfare scheme aka the defense industry is rancid.

Those who kneel showed their true colors, so real traitors must still be hiding.And wait for right hour to attack.
But i still do not think,that it would be enough to take USA from within.If they waited 10-20 years, then they would win.
So - why act now ? leftist on streets are useful idiots, but those who own them have brains.They should wait.
I find myself agreeing with IWD...surprisingly enough. The left thinks this will be like the battle of Endor, or Hogwarts, or some god awful recreation of the assault on the Winter Palace in 1917? It will be none of those things. It will be Mosul, or Fallujah or Syria. I am a military historian by hobby, and I just cannot see in any shape or form a military coup favoring the left. If anything? I think they'd more than likely either stay out of it, or if they did leave barracks, arrest a lot of folks on the left.

And that's assuming that the well-armed members of the right leave anything alive? The military and federal law enforcement may have to protect the left from those folks. Many of them have had fuses burning for a long time. Many of them are gun owners, rural residents or both, and they are just plain fed up. To them, the open calls for civil war are just plain disgusting (Hell, I am a suburban conservative, and they disgust me.)

Worse, were such a thing to occur, the fault lines would hit my family and friends. My wife is liberal, not raving nuts, but she votes democrat, as does most of her family and friends. But, she's Asian, and I am white, and some of the antifa folks have had special words for folks like us. So, no, I think as much as she won't admit it? She is beginning to realize that her side is losing it. I don't think she'll vote for Trump, but I doubt she will vote for Biden either.

But yeah, IWD, there are some people who want this. They want this to resolve slights real or imagined. And I for one am damn tired of it. I may not trust the left anymore. I may not be in the mood to talk..but as Churchill said, "jaw-jaw is always better than war-war." We just need to have people begin to realize it before it is too late.
Those who kneel showed their true colors, so real traitors must still be hiding.And wait for right hour to attack.
But i still do not think,that it would be enough to take USA from within.If they waited 10-20 years, then they would win.
So - why act now ? leftist on streets are useful idiots, but those who own them have brains.They should wait.

Well no of course not and many of those pathetic animals who kneeled will switch sides when the shit really hits the fan (And it will be the duty of the survivors to remember their faces and try, convict and then execute them in the years following the Second ACW, there can be no hard war, easy peace this time. If such a thing happens, the American left must be generationally disenfranchised and so thoroughly destroyed it never rises again), this is why the soft coup they perpetrated four years ago and continue to perpetrate is so ruinous and insane..it's dividing the nation literally house by house.

That won't last long, the US is culturally a lot more robust than the rest of the Americas and I do think people will begin turning on this crap. My worry is that..they'll do so in a way that leaves the gains the Social Justice Front have made in the laws and the bureaucratic SJW's and academics..mostly intact..

that just pawns the problem off another generation or two.

I do think they're insane for wanting this and they can't possibly take the US...My issue is that the blow back may create something..entirely different, that in defeating them America looks less like the US and more like...well, Taiwan under the KMT or something.

I find myself agreeing with IWD...surprisingly enough. The left thinks this will be like the battle of Endor, or Hogwarts, or some god awful recreation of the assault on the Winter Palace in 1917? It will be none of those things. It will be Mosul, or Fallujah or Syria. I am a military historian by hobby, and I just cannot see in any shape or form a military coup favoring the left. If anything? I think they'd more than likely either stay out of it, or if they did leave barracks, arrest a lot of folks on the left.

Naw it'll be La Plata in the early 70's, it'll be the Ezeiza massacre on steroids...fallujah was a clusterfuck...This'll be a South American style civil war..which only looks like a clusterfuck. It's more a coordinated mass exsanguination of a country's social order where familial and neighborhood vendettas blend with politics to create an absolute nightmare of slaughter. Fallujah with a purpose I guess?

And that's assuming that the well-armed members of the right leave anything alive? The military and federal law enforcement may have to protect the left from those folks. Many of them have had fuses burning for a long time. Many of them are gun owners, rural residents or both, and they are just plain fed up. To them, the open calls for civil war are just plain disgusting (Hell, I am a suburban conservative, and they disgust me.)

And this great point brings me to my next point...

In the ACW things were clearly defined...Nothing will be clearly defined here.

How do you, psychologically move passed that? As a nation...
Worse, were such a thing to occur, the fault lines would hit my family and friends. My wife is liberal, not raving nuts, but she votes democrat, as does most of her family and friends. But, she's Asian, and I am white, and some of the antifa folks have had special words for folks like us. So, no, I think as much as she won't admit it? She is beginning to realize that her side is losing it. I don't think she'll vote for Trump, but I doubt she will vote for Biden either.

And it won't just be the leftwing militias that go after guys like you, but right wing vigilante groups, most of which won't be white contrary to popular belief (some of the most violently far right people in America are Zulus, Bantus, Indians, South Americans and Dominicans..Dominicans recently committed a massacre against BLM no less and then threatened to "visit Vengeance upon any Latinos who defend blacks" So the myth of white supremacy needs to be discarded when discussing this shit. In any war game about a right wing insurrection, it won't be white supremacists..it'll be a rainbow coalition of hard right immigrants and their kids), who will see guys like you as an ideological traitor for marrying a liberal...

They'll come after guys like you as well and guys like me for calling this shit out but not actually supporting it.

Everyone eats everyone in a situation like that.
But yeah, IWD, there are some people who want this. They want this to resolve slights real or imagined. And I for one am damn tired of it. I may not trust the left anymore. I may not be in the mood to talk..but as Churchill said, "jaw-jaw is always better than war-war." We just need to have people begin to realize it before it is too late.

And they're absolutely pants on head retarded.

My family lived through the 70's only to see the Argentine left come back to power and proceed to plunge the country into a softcore repeat of the 70's....I spent my teen years living through that. And lemme just say from that experienced we learned an ugly truth...namely....Whatever side wins can't leave anything left of the other side.

If you open the door on this shit..it will never...stop...unless you kill everyone who ever had the letter you don't like attached to their name and their children.

And the left is so stupid they engage in false flags trying to goad this into happening, armed with the logic of clowns afflicted with arrested development who as we both noted think they're playing out a book or a movie.

The "bipartisan" wargaming..was absolutely batfuck...tens of millions of Americans would be screwed...Anyone who think's such an event has happy outcome is insane.
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I think this possible “civil war” will also be in-part a class based issue

Far Left types don’t really treat their employees so well

Ever heard of Ellen DeGeneres? The turnout for people she hires and fires was ginormous, she liked psychologically abusing people even in her show and did it even more at home where she had the most power over others

I won’t be surprised if it turns out that aside from being sex offenders, a good portion of Hollywood likes to physically, sexually and psychologically abuse whatever blue-collar workers they have

Hell, I won’t be surprised if Far Left types actually turned a workplace into a nightmare-flashback of highschool where social cliques are a thing followed up with abuse and blackmail

Michael Moore doesn’t even pay his Camera Crew so well, even for all his love of socialism and unions
Yeah for all their talk of loving socialism and shit the far left Hollywood types are downright Victorian when it come to treating people below them.
Most leftists are. Every now and then it comes up a leftist 'influencer' treats his employees like shit. Rules for thee not for me.

I read a series wherein the USA did a split, the Blue States had lots of welfare and a severely regulated/taxed-command economy of a sort

Starbucks and Silicon Valley remained in-power, latter helped maintain control and observation over the population

One scene or few chapters I remember involved a "College" where the kids of the "more-equal-than-others" class lived together with their neighborhoods, apart from what were "the proles"

Course, they had employees like janitors and waiters....they just came in from where they wouldn't be seen and came in looking defeated

Apparently the students like to psychologically abuse them on such a regular basis that a waitress snapped and attacked, resulting in all the other workers attacking
Just to further illustrate IWD's point, and mine as well? My wife finds this guy enjoyable...personally, I find him useful as a window into the mindset of the other side. Warning, he's an angry fellow who's free with the language, and thinks he is funny, but he's got the full-on "Hogwarts/Star Wars" delusion going on.

I just read book "O cywilizacji śmierci" /my translation - about cyvilisation of death/ by Marek Chodakiewicz, who is american - polish professor in The Institute of World Politics.
He belive,that both Poland and USA are divided between Party of life and Party of death,people who support Western cyvilisation and those who wanted destroy it.
He also belive, that new ACW would be no South- North,but home against home.And that people who fund our enemies do not care about lgbt or blacks, but about turning us into state slaves.
I think,that he is right.
Just to further illustrate IWD's point, and mine as well? My wife finds this guy enjoyable...personally, I find him useful as a window into the mindset of the other side. Warning, he's an angry fellow who's free with the language, and thinks he is funny, but he's got the full-on "Hogwarts/Star Wars" delusion going on.

These boys are now arguing for balkinzation.

Yknow because repeating a 90s alt right talking point as a social justice zealot is where its at now I guess.

That dude is a clown, what a disgusting effete idiot..jesus his feminity is genuinely infuriating me. Ginsburgs last ruling involved stripping illegals of half their civil rights and she spent the 60s arguing that 8 year olds had a legal right to get into gunbattles.

And this moron is prattling about comparisons to Palpatine? The level of fucking cringe in this Peter Pan Syndrome having tranny screed is beyond contemplation.

They're incapable of nuance. Its insane, everything is binary and its all fiction.

I just read book "O cywilizacji śmierci" /my translation - about cyvilisation of death/ by Marek Chodakiewicz, who is american - polish professor in The Institute of World Politics.
He belive,that both Poland and USA are divided between Party of life and Party of death,people who support Western cyvilisation and those who wanted destroy it.
He also belive, that new ACW would be no South- North,but home against home.And that people who fund our enemies do not care about lgbt or blacks, but about turning us into state slaves.
I think,that he is right.

One needs only to look at how they view people with HIV as valorious heroes who are glorious in their suffering and how they fetishize deformity and self harm to know we are dealing with a deconstructive death cult
And this moron is prattling about comparisons to Palpatine? The level of fucking cringe in this Peter Pan Syndrome having tranny screed is beyond contemplation.
He really should use actual people to compare to. All the smooth operators would wish they were Palpatine just so they have force powers to manipulate the masses.
A civil war would suck but If you look at Vensula a communist regieme would be even worse.

Seriously a civil war would improve their economy so if their is a coup, or they rise up and start a civil war well then its on. It will suck it will be painful a lot of people will die but that's all out of our control unfortantly.
A civil war would suck but If you look at Vensula a communist regieme would be even worse.

Seriously a civil war would improve their economy so if their is a coup, or they rise up and start a civil war well then its on. It will suck it will be painful a lot of people will die but that's all out of our control unfortantly.

Venezuelans would also have to exterminate 70% of Judges, 50% of prosecutors. Nearly every police force in every city and all union members and half the country's journalists.

That's the only way they could really be free of it.

I was talking to some of the Venezuelan expats the other day and they're like "at least five percent of the national population would have to go".

It's kind of a tall order to ask a people to do that and then recovery wouldn't happen over night it would take a generation if not longer.
This is similar to my read on a hypothetical civil war in Brazil. Keep in mind Brazilian population is around 210 million people.

Right and its daunting but.

Granted Brazil isn't as bad as Venezuela is it?

Either way Gringos who think allowing their country to get to this point are retards.
Granted Brazil isn't as bad as Venezuela is it?

No, but it could have been and may still become it. The... oligarchy, for a lack of a better word, has allowed the Left to entrench itself on a lot of crucial positions(Education, the bureaucracy - including the Judiciary Branch), because they used the leftists to clear out the military from power. This will eventually have to be addressed, or a path similar to Venezuela is on the cards for Brazil.

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