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  • I wanna propose a dedicated tech corner type area for PC builds and whatnot. That is something the forum doesn't currently have but should have IMO.
    Follow my instructions ye Boot who maketh thy impression in the ocean muck and I shall make of thy forum a great and numerous people indeed.
    If you have questions as to why something was moved ask in Staff Comms. I will note that just because it was moved does NOT mean that you did anything wrong or are being infracted/punished, the mod in question probably felt it fit better elsewhere.
    Hello, I’m not sure this is how I’m supposed to do it but I realized I put a what if scenario in the vs.what if section but it fits more in the alternate history section. Is it possible for you to transfer it to the alternate history section? It’s my posting on a voting rights act in 1961, also my only posting
    May I ask when the April Fools joke is coming to an end?
    It's already over, there's currently a vote up for whether or not people want to keep the Comrade tag for the giggles
    Well, you guys wanted more creative writing involvement.

    I've vomited out a pair of fanfics that probably gave everyone cancer:p and I'm gonna see if I can't finally lure that Super Robot Wars rp over here..since the GM's are fellow SB exiles and that damn thing has lasted 3 years and has a core group of 10 players who move with the rp and a bunch of lurkers.

    Hoping that helps you guys out there.
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    Super Robot Wars boys be back and they should probably recruit a bunch of new blood. Every forum they ever join they usually create threads that get half a million to a million views and dozens of new registries.

    And if you notice any flower language in their posts, it's because I get roped into being their editor :p

    Here's hoping that helps!
    So, what effect do you think recently released video evidence of election fraud will have?
    So, how are things going? Also, I'm told you liked my "Nuke Mod" crack.
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    Reactions: Free-Stater 101
    Well, I meant more in relation to how things were with the forum. Membership and activity in the non-political areas seem to be picking up, right?
    We are, which is very welcome and hopefully a trend that will continue. We're going to be rolling out some things in the near future that will hopefully keep that trend going.
    Doubtlessly you will be announcing what those are, when the time comes.
    May I ask why you're doing a third version of The Other Side of Eternity instead of continuing the second version?
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Honestly because V2 was suffering the same problem as V1, character bloat. I'm trying to reduce the number of characters in the fic to make it easier to write and to follow.
    Okay, makes sense. Here's hoping you don't run into writer's block.
    It's weird seeing your name in green rather than yellow.
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    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    I felt like a North Korean general with medals pinned to my trousers!
    Free-Stater 101
    Free-Stater 101

    Just imagine how egotistical new members would think you were if you kept them? 🤣
    Free-Stater 101
    Free-Stater 101
    Anyway, I am glad you are staying overall, when I saw Zoe say she was taking her friends with her when she was leaving I assumed you would be leaving as well, I am glad to be proven wrong.:)
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