Actually, yes.
With MAID and the normalization of euthanasia, we basically have Aktion T4 eugenics shit happening in supposedly free countries. They're selling it to the public as this compassionate thing, helping terminally ill people pass with grace, but then, they're widening the scope of it to encompass people who are just barely mentally ill or have a few little chronic aches and pains here and there. It's a slippery slope. Our governments are a bunch of insolvent fraudsters running social security like a giant Ponzi, and they have an incentive to clear people off the welfare and pension rolls because then, they don't have to pay out.
With the vaccines causing long-term, chronic illnesses, it's especially sinister; they're taking people crippled by poison purchased with our own tax dollars, and they're encouraging them to off themselves, removing the burden they place on the healthcare system while also conveniently silencing them before they get wise and start litigating.