Thunderf00t made a video bitching about how Trump won, presumably because he has a massive hate-boner for Elon Musk for the past few years.
Why is anybody at all even under the belief that you can make the Government any worse? There hasn't been a competent person in any field of office for decades and yeah sure debt has exploded but otherwise the nation is still running.
"RFK is the new health dude!"
So? Yeah sure, dude has half his brain eaten by worms, but he's jacked and he hates seed oils. That somehow makes him MORE qualified than the previous people.
"Elon musk is the new efficiency dude!"
So? Guy knows how to build a car. He doesn't build very GOOD cars but fuck, the previous guy hadn't built one! In fact there WAS no previous position such as this!
Do leftists forget the fucking transport dude the democrats chose hadn't a single day of transport experience under his belt. Embarrassing. But he WAS experienced with buttsex which seems to be something they appreciate for whatever reason.