Ghost in the City Cyberpunk Gamer SI

Chapter 178 New


Well-known member
The next morning I was attacked first thing in the morning.

“Motokoooo!” Hiromi whined as she launched herself at me as soon as I opened the door. Swinging the Motoko seeking ballistic missile around to bleed off the momentum, I closed the door with a kick and settled the Door Shotgun back in place as I hugged Hiromi tight.

“Fun day! I demand it!” She said while her face was buried in my shoulder.

“Okay. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. You decide.” She responded back and I just laughed.

“Well I’m afraid I wasn’t planning on much today, I got the music bug and I was just recording some songs, but we can go-”

“Yes!” She demanded and rushed over to the couch to flop on it. “Serenade me!”

I scoffed at her demand but smiled regardless. “Okay, this is Come as you are.” I informed her and set up the song to play through the music box as I settled in, and then I started up that famous intro. The deep tones were good. Not perfect, I really needed something acoustic, if I wanted to really hit the best notes, but my guitar could fake it well enough.

Well enough for this anyways.

Then I opened my eyes, locked them onto Hiromi, and crooned. “Come, as you are, as you were, as I want you to be!”

The song ended with me letting the last note drift for a while, and then I smiled at Hiromi, because playing music like this was just… Fun.

It was fun.

“God Motoko.” She breathed and then shook herself off. “Okay that’s it! I’m done! That’s it!” She nearly screamed as she rose up and paced and I blinked, nearly stepping back in shock.

“What? Hiromi? What’s wrong?”

“The fact you don’t do this more! You… Motoko. You sold a song to Denny! To a major label! I mean… You should do this more! It’s amazing! Put a band together! Put on shows!”

“I don’t… I like music as my hobby, Hiromi, but I’m not really… Crowds and stuff you know?”

“Ughhhhhh.” She whined, smashing her face into the couch and screaming. “Why are you so…”

“You just gestured at all of me.” I joked, heh. Hiccup. Aw man, I haven’t seen that movie in… Well it’s gone now I think..

No, I shook it off, focus on Hiromi.

“I don’t know what to say Hiromi.”

“Don’t say anything just… Listen for a second? Put some songs together. Like just a few! And let me set up a gig for you. Pleeeease. If you have stage fright, we can work with that. But Motoko! You have so much talent here, it’s killing me to see you just not use it.” She pleaded and I looked away.

“Hiromi. I’m a merc, not a Rockerboy.”

“Be both!” She denied my argument instantly. “You like Silverhand! You can’t argue this. You like him!”
“Comparing me to Johnny Silverhand is pretty rude.” I muttered, but Hiromi wasn’t having my nonsense.

“Motoko, I’m serious. Please for me? As a super special present, let me put together a gig for you. A real one, on a stage somewhere. I’ll set it all up, all you have to do is prep the songs, and then I’ll do the rest.”


“For my Birthday!” She demanded and I blinked. What?

“Wait, is your birthday coming up? Hiromi! You have to tell me these things, I don’t remember anything!”

“Yep that’s right! My birthday is coming up!.” She begged and I flinched because…

Super uncomfortable, Hiromi! This… I wasn’t comfortable with this!

She realized it at the same time, something on my face showed it and she slumped.


“It’s not… I don’t…” I shut up, and actually considered it. I had started the music thing purely for myself, a hobby, and a remembrance of what I had… Lost.

And also as a way to return myself to who I should be. A reminder of the good things in life, and that I shouldn’t just drop into the endless void of chrome and combat.

It was great. I loved it…

But what was the reason I didn’t want to share? Guilt? None of the songs were really mine, but I was the only one that knew them. Was it worse to let them never be, or claim them as my own?

Difficult, but not really that hard for me in the end.

No, the real reason? It was because I was fucking scared. Me. Badass, Afterlife Merc. I’d gone toe to toe with borgs with a smile on my face, been shot and just glared or cussed out who had done it, but I was afraid of people listening to me play a song.

Hiromi, wasn’t being fair trying to push this either, but at the same time.

I knew Hiromi. She wasn’t doing this because of eddies, she really thought it would be good for me to do it. She was proud of me, and wanted to show the world. She was excited to be there.


“O-one gig.” I agreed, and suddenly Hiromi who had been looking dejected as she realized she had pushed too much jerked up.


“Yeah… I, I’m afraid, but it’s stupid fears, not real ones. You can set up a gig… I guess I need to figure out a set.”

“I’ll do it! You won’t regret this Motoko. I swear it. You’ll love it! The crowd and the music, and everything! Oh! I’m so excited! We need to figure out an outfit for you too!”

“What’s wrong with my outfit?” I asked, looking at my super cool tactical leotard, and jeans.

“Nothing, for merc work, but it’s not Rockerboy! Don’t worry I’ll help! No! I need to call the boys! They need to get in on this, and I’ll need their help as muscle! Eeeee!” Hiromi bounced around the room, and all I could think was that this was a mistake.


The embarrassing level of excitement from everyone was getting to me. Malcolm had arrived not long after the call went out, but Ichi was working so it took him a while, but Malcolm had only thrown fuel on the fire of brazer Hiromi.

So now I was dealing with her absolutely freaking out, as I went through my list of recorded songs to make a playlist…

What songs should I pick?

I had made a pretty good selection by now. Rise was definitely going on the list, I really liked it.. Maybe This Fffire next? It was a very Cyberpunk song…

Let you Down. It had to be on the set. Probably towards the end was the best bet, then Nirvana after? I could start with Smells like Teen Spirt, and end with Come as you are?

No, I should do The Pretender… But where to put it? Just after This Fffire? No wait, Smells like Teen Spirit… I had to move it.

I groaned. Rockerboy was actually helping me here. Setlists, performance, was all part of the skill, but a part of it that I pretended didn’t exist most of the time.

Looking up from my Music box, I winced and looked away from Malcolm and Hiromi colluding, They were both standing close to each other with toothy smiles as they plotted.

This was my life now… Wasn’t it?

I sighed, and finalized the list.

Smells like Teen spirit, Rise, This Fffire, The Pretender, and Let you Down

Five songs that I could play together… Now I just had to psych myself up for an actual concert…

No, I should probably edit the songs, with better equipment. I could really bring a lot out of them with some real instruments.

“Hiromi.” I spoke up for the first time in a while. “I think I’m going to need a recording studio, to clean these songs up if I’m going to play them on stage, so-”

“Yes!” Hiromi cheered. “Okay! Let’s go! We can text Ichi the new meet up spot. C’mon!” She demanded pulling at me, and I sighed as Hiromi tugged me away.

“Do you even know of a recording studio we can use?” I asked, and Hiromi threw me a grin.

“Of course I do! Denny’s one! The one you wrote Tank at!”

“That place is expensive.” I muttered as Hiromi continued to drag me along Malcolm following along nothing but amused.

“It’s not that expensive, Motoko! Besides, you get a deal for use of the rooms. It was part of the contract I put together for Tank.”

“Wait, why don’t I know about this?”

“I sent you the contract Motoko.” Hiromi reminded me with a flat face, and I did my best not to look away awkwardly. I had read through it… A little. At least enough to know I wasn’t selling my soul.

“This is why I’m your manager.” She said and this time she said it with a happy smile. Hiromi was happiest, when she was showing off her skills after all.

“You know I’ll need my guitar and stuff.” I mentioned, as Hiromi had pulled me out of the apartment and down the hall by this point. She turned, realizing I didn’t have my instrument.



We drove through the city, finally reaching the parking spots near Denny’s recording studio, and I felt kinda awkward, carrying my equipment, down the alley way and into the same blank faced door. Somehow during the drive over Hiromi had already scheduled one of the studio’s for me, and so we had access. The door opened and we walked into the same long white hall.

“Room 1-16.” Hiromi called out as I headed that way, and slipped inside.

The studio was empty. Just for me. Staring at the space I felt myself actually warm up. Sure my Music box was good, but electronic simulation of different instruments was only so good.

There was nothing quite like the original.

I settled my guitar and Music box to the side and headed out immediately for the instrument room.


“I need some stuff! Malcolm, I could use some hands.” I asked, and he followed after. It took a while to move and set up the drum set, but it felt great to have it there set up and shiny.

Then I checked over and grabbed a few more instruments, once that was done it was time. I settled, pulling up the tracks I had already recorded. I went to work.

The quality of the microphones alone made a massive difference, better instruments would enhance that, and finally the actual recording equipment, was much higher end, than the program I had made my music box out of.

But it didn’t matter. The Music box was still incredibly useful, saving the recordings for later.

And I went to work. Playing through the songs over and over, removing errors from the early tracks I had recorded, adding some flare to each instrument, in a way I couldn’t before.

The vocal tracks were sung, recorded, and edited with much finer equipment than I had before.

All the while, I let myself fall into the utter focus required to handle all the tasks. I lost track of my friends.

By the time I was doing the drum track for Smells Like Teen Spirits, and just absolutely going to town on for it, I noticed Ichi was standing in the recording room as well.

So I hit it even harder. This was the first song of the story I was telling, I had to draw attention while playing it, otherwise I might not keep them for all the songs.

And so I continued on, hammering through the songs over and over, cleaning every technical piece of the song I could, over and over and over.

It all ran into itself and it was only when I had to stop to go to the bathroom that my chooms grabbed me and sat me down.

“Easy Motoko, you need anything? Food? Here, have some water.” Hiromi demanded, while Malcolm handed it over.

I rolled my eyes at their worry, but drank down the water anyway.

“I’m fine. Just in the zone to get this all done.”

“You got some time Motoko, it’ll take me a while to find a location and set it up.”

“Red Dirt.” I finally said, decision made. “Can you set up the gig for that bar?” I asked, and Hiromi blinked, looking confused.

“Maybe? Where is it?”


“Wait, I know that place. It’s fucking ancient.” Ichi spoke up and I flashed him a smile.

“Yep. It was the first place Samurai ever played at.”

“Ugh.” Hiromi groaned, but she nodded. “Okay fine. If that’s where you want to play… I was going to try Lizzies or something.”

“Nah, maybe after, if I do another gig.” Red Dirt wasn’t just the first place Samurai played, it was also small…

Hopefully the smaller crowd would help.

I stood up and went back to work. I didn’t want to keep spending money considering I knew just how much these recording studios cost.



“You know… I knew Motoko’s kinda bullshit sometimes. Sometimes I wonder, how the fuck did she do all this. How can she learn all these crazy skills so fast… Then I see her do shit like this, and I don’t think it’s that crazy anymore.” He uttered, staring at Motoko, just a teenager same as him.

A girl that has less than a year of memories? He watched as she didn’t just play multiple instruments, but absolutely destroyed them. Energy she usually reserved for the middle of combat, coming out as she sang and played with a frantic energy that she had kept up with for hours already.

Just watching her made Malcolm exhausted.

“She’s amazing.” Hiromi added, which was just such a Hiromi thing to say. Of course the girl with the biggest crush in the city would think her crush was the best thing ever.

But fuck if Malcolm wasn’t feeling some feelings for her right now either.

The energy, and force Motoko put into the songs, and he had listened to the complete track of the first few she went through was already amazing.

Dammit, why did his best friend that was a girl have to be kinda hot?

He shook it off. If Hiromi found out he even thought that, she would make his life hell.

He glanced to Ichi, who passed over a look.


They both looked away, knowing Hiromi wouldn’t have noticed, she was the one most enthralled with Motoko’s inexhaustible energy.

“So… I’m gonna call everyone I know and tell them to show up for this gig. You?”
“Obviously. We have to tell Jun. He’d kill us if we kept him out of it.”

“Oh don’t worry.” Hiromi added. “I have complete confidence in Motoko. I’ll throw up some fliers as well. We’ll turn Motoko’s first gig into a blast!”

Malcolm winced. He knew Motoko well enough to know she had liked the idea of the gig being in a small place to get away from the massive crowds.

Sorry Motoko. You shouldn’t have stolen Hiromi’s heart if you didn’t want her to use her massive corpo powers to your benefit... Or detriment.

“I like this one.” Ichi offered, and Malcolm listened in nodding along as Motoko had switched to singing, and absolutely roared along to the rock song. Taking the headset he put it on, and listened to the song playing along as Motoko sang.

The lyrics… Yeah that was a cool song, felt very old school. No electronic beats or anything just pure instruments, and lyrics, but it still felt exciting, there was so much going on.

“I called the Red Dirt. Got a slot. They agreed pretty quickly, the pay is shit though, but they wouldn’t budge.” Hiromi grumbled suddenly and Malcolm realized that while Hiromi was staring at Motoko like a particularly nice looking XXL burrito, she was also handling business.

Hiromi really scared him. It was a good thing she was on their side.

“Want to tell Motoko?”

“After this, she’ll get distracted if I tell her now. Best to let her finish.” She offered and Malcolm had to nod. For a girl that was so confident, she got embarrassed easy.

But Malcolm went back to just listening to the song and nodding his head along with the beat.



“I can’t believe you already set it up!” I whined, as I wiped a towel over my head.

Not sure where Hiromi had found a towel, but I wasn’t going to question it.

“Of course! I’m your agent, and manager. It’s my job.” She said and I took particular note of the additional title Hiromi had given herself, but didn’t bring it up.

“I thought I would have a bit more time to settle with the idea.” I grumbled, but Hiromi shook her head.

“You already made the decision, and I’ve never known you to back off once you make one!” She said looking proudly, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her, I had been thinking of calling it all off.


“So you finished all the songs?” Ichi asked, having been looking at my Music box as it beeped away.

“They were already done, but with actual instruments, and better equipment. I was able to clean them up.” I walked over and picked up the music box, the update was complete. “I’ll need to do some hologram work, to make sure everything matches up, but I can do that anywhere.”

“So who are you going to tell about your gig, other than Jun?” Ichi asked, and I hissed, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, which was impossible as that Neural Link covered the whole section, but I still felt it!
“No one! Tell no one! Especially not Jun! Never Jun!” I demanded, and got kind of awkward looks in turn.

They wouldn’t tell Jun, or else!

Sending a firm look to all of them, I nodded and then looked at all the equipment left in the room.

“I guess I have to clean up.”

“Leave that to us.” Ichi offered instantly, standing up. “Just make sure we don’t break anything?” He asked as he headed into the room, and I smiled.


Hiromi I noticed was distracted on a call, so I left her to it, as I went to help the boys put everything away.


Das BOOT (literally)
Staff Member
OK, who else thinks that some dumbshit gonk Scavs are going to try and wreck the concert to get revenge on Motoko and Section 9, only to get their shit pushed in for the most epic concert XBD in Night City history :cool:

Carrot of Truth

War is Peace
OK, who else thinks that some dumbshit gonk Scavs are going to try and wreck the concert to get revenge on Motoko and Section 9, only to get their shit pushed in for the most epic concert XBD in Night City history :cool:

They would most likely wait until the concert was over, It's what gangs do IRL to people they have beef with.
Chapter 179 New


Well-known member
I had finished the modifications on the holograms that night, before finally going to sleep and enjoying my eight hours of instant sleep. Waking up feeling refreshed, I knew I would need to get out of the apartment, or I would pick at the songs trying to fix them, when they were already great.

Feeling antsy, I knew that I needed something that would keep me moving.

Squats while holding dumbbells ended up being the exercise of choice. Hidden away in the TC gym downstairs in a corner, I was given some privacy so no one could see just how much effort I was putting into the work.

Dripping with sweat, my legs felt like they were butter, but I needed just a few more reps to be satisfied.

I didn’t exactly enjoy the exercise, but there was a knowledge that if I could just hit the next level, and then level 10, I wouldn’t need to do this ever again.

Perfect physical fitness for as long as I lived was a very tempting proposition to just keep pushing a few more.

I winced as I felt my leg finally give, unable to keep myself going.

I gently placed the weights down and took a second to stretch.

Then because muscle pain sucks, I pulled a MaxDoc out of my pocket, I took a second to huff it, and instantly felt a tingle go down my legs.

Muscles abused and at their utter limit, tingled as they were refreshed, feeling like I had just gotten up that morning.

Stretching my muscles I let myself get ready, and then picked up the weights again.

I had checked, and John, wasn’t around today and so behind the little corner, out of sight I went back to it. This time doing crunches.

Body 9. The plan was I would earn it today! I went at it. Inhaling and exhaling as I moved, abs hauling me up and down, the extra weight in my arms making it all the harder. Slowly my muscles refreshed from the MaxDoc started to burn, started to weaken and tire, but pain was temporary, especially when you can literally just take some medicine and feel fine a moment later.

There was something very freeing about knowing that any pain I had to deal with could end in moments.

Something that you knew would end, and end quickly had less fear to it.

What was my body besides just a machine? What was Motoko, but a girl in the shell?

I changed exercises, push ups were easier, as my arms were chrome, but they still worked the core, and some of the muscles in my back.

I was sweating, as I lowered myself to the concrete over and over. Drops falling down my nose, running over my eyes, but my Kiroshi didn’t sting from the sweat, so I ignored it, and just continued on, down and up. Up and down.

Muscles pushed to their limits and their limits ignored.

I was cool, frozen solid as I continued to work.

*100 Body XP Gained*

*Body Leveled up!*

Collapsing onto the concrete I lay there for a minute just breathing trying to catch my breath. I had done it.

Body 9.

I struggled for a few moments to pull another MaxDoc out of my pocket and huffed it down, and then I rose up and stretched feeling just fine.

Frowning at how sweaty I was, I decided it was time to get a shower…

I pressed a hand along my Leotard…

Gonna need to get this adjusted a bit. It was kinda tight all of a sudden.


Spending the day getting my outfits adjusted to make sure it fit wasn’t what I had planned, but it kept me out of the apartment.

But only for so long. As I walked inside, I stared at the guitar sitting innocently against the living room table, and felt it creeping up my spine. The realization of what was coming.

I had agreed to go out on a stage and play songs for people. Living actual people.

People I didn’t know!

I walked over to the couch, fell to my knees, grabbed one of the cushions and slammed my face into the cushion as I screamed.

What was I doing!?

Only once I was done did I rise up gasping for air and then centering myself. I had agreed to do this. Hiromi was right, I was being such a gonk about it. There was nothing to be afraid of, and there was a part of me, that wanted to get up on stage and be a fucking rock star.

But that part was currently quivering behind a mental couch pretending it didn’t exist for getting me into this!

I shook it off. Slapping my cheeks with my cool chrome hands and breathing in and out. “I’m not fucking Bocchi.” I reminded myself. If that girl could do it, so can I! Totally ignoring Bocchi being a manga character!

It still counted!

“Shake it off.” I ordered myself. Having gone over all the songs already I had cleaned them up as much as I could. Each of the five tracks were ready, I was ready…

Well, the songs were ready anyways.

Stalking around the apartment a few minutes later I realized I was getting lost in my own head and I needed to do something.

I got up and walked straight out of the house. I didn’t want to bother Hiromi or the boys, they were supportive about this, but also a bit too close.

Jun was out too, because he couldn’t know! So who else could I go and chat with… Wakako?

The fact that thought had gone through my head told me how rattled this had made me. No, that was silly, but I did have someone else I could chat with.

Jumping into the Quadra I gunned it out of the garage, heading straight towards Kabuki.


Lizzies was active, the start of their after work rush was just starting as I arrived, but I managed to slip into a spot without trouble and then went hunting.

Rita should be here… Well if not Rita, then Judy, but honestly Judy wasn’t one I would really go to for advice. Girl doesn’t exactly have her own shit together.

She wasn’t the outdoor bouncer, and there wasn’t a line yet, so I was able to walk up to the woman at the entrance.

“Is Rita here tonight?” I asked, and the woman looked me up and down.

“Who wants to know?”

“Motoko! Rita’s a choom.”

“Hmm. If you say so. She’s inside, check the roof.”

“Thanks!” I called out rushing past and doing just that, hitting the stairs up and then bursting outside to see a basketball game going full blast, and Rita watching over the roof.

Why the Mox had someone up here keeping an eye on things didn’t make sense to me, but I wasn’t about to question my good luck.

“Rita!” I called out as I hurried over, she had been leaning up against one of the AC units just watching the game.

“Motoko? Haven’t seen you in a while kid.”

“Yeah it feels like it’s been forever. I haven’t really done gigs that work as BD’s so I haven’t stopped by for Judy in a bit… But um… You got a minute?”

Rita looked me over not seeing me injured or anything and she shrugged. “Sure, you want some privacy?” She offered and I waved her off. It was fine.

“No it’s nothing like that. So… I’ve been making some songs and stuff. One of them I made got the interest of Denny! The drummer from Samurai, it was Jazz and fun and stuck in my head, but she wanted to buy it, so I said yes.”

“That’s… Preem!” Rita offered perking up in surprise.

“Yeah, Hiromi did a great job getting a good deal too, but that’s not it… Hiromi talked to me, after hearing another song I was making a new one technically… She convinced me to… Well get up on stage. I have an actual gig scheduled and everything, but I’m totally freaking out about it!”

I turned to her, sort of looking for something, advice, wise words, anything!

Instead Rita started laughing at me.

“That’s amazing!” She said, offered out between giggles. Actual giggles.

“I was really hoping for more than that.” I pouted.

“I’m sorry! It’s not! You just look so freaked!” She continued to giggle and I pouted, and finally she managed to control herself wiping a chrome hand over her mouth to try and stop the smile across her lips. “Okay, I’m good. Sorry.”

“Mean.” I mumbled back.

“Oh come on, it’s funny! Motoko, I’ve heard you play before, you’re good. And if you already sold a song, that’s amazing. You have nothing to worry about, and hey, even if you fumble it, or make a mistake it’s fine! You’re a kid. You can only do well out there.” She offered, trying to sound mature, but the way she kept wanting to break into laughter wasn’t helping.

“Thanks I guess.” I mumbled. So much for Rita’s big sis energy… No wait, this was literal Big Sis energy. Fuck, I needed like, Mom Energy right now or something.

“So you are going to play your songs? Where at. I’d have heard about it if it was here.”

“No, I don’t know if my stuff fits Lizzies. I picked a bar, Red Dirt in Arroyo. It’s where Samurai had their first gig, so it’s special. I wanted to play there.”

“When at?”

“Tomorrow night.” I whispered, revealing the truth. I had so little time to mentally prepare myself! Or as was probably more likely, time to find a way to run the fuck away. “I don’t feel like I’m ready for this. If I’m really cut out to be a Rockerboy. I don’t even like crowds!”

“Alright, I see you need some real words here. So here it is. Tomorrow night Motoko, take your guitar and get up on that stage and play your songs. Play them, loud and with all the emotion you can so that even the corps at the top of their towers hear you. That’s what it means to be a Rockerboy.” Rita said, her tone serious as she reached out and put both hands on my shoulders.

Chrome to chrome.

“I will. I just feel anxious.” I said and then I stopped and took a breath in and out. “No. It’s not anxiety… It’s excitement.” I told myself. Good advice from a past life.

“Hey! That’s what I want to see. That’s right!” Rita agreed, smiling. “Of course you realize I’ll have to show up now.”
“I mean… If you want? You were the person that gave me the idea to play music, so if anyone deserves to hear it… It’s you.” I told her, looking up into her eyes, and I watched as her chrome face normally still shifted, into a look of surprise.

“God kid. Pull shit like that tomorrow, and you won’t have any issues.” She said, and then so quiet I couldn’t quite make it out, and I’m sure I heard it wrong, she said something that sounded like. “Damn Heartbreakers.”


My luck of course didn’t hold out.

I kept expecting there to be some random occurrence, a Scav attack. Maelstrom war. Or anything that would interrupt the time of the gig.

Or maybe I just hoped it would, but nothing happened.

So I slipped into the Quadra, guitar in the passenger seat, music box on the floor and drove over to the Red Dirt Bar.

It was time to head over, talk to the owner, and set up. At least that is what Hiromi told me. She was already there apparently?

I have no idea what madness Hiromi was plotting, but the fact she was there already told me a lot. The drive over didn’t last long enough, and before I knew it I was pulling into the little parking lot beside the Red Dirt Bar. I could even see Malcolm already out there…

Beside his Rayfield… Malcolm you fucking gonk, you’re gonna get that thing stolen out here!

I pulled up beside him and stepped out.

“Malcolm, why did you drive that?”

“Heh! You’re kidding right? I’m going to a rock party tonight! Of course I need to show up!” He said waving his hand at the car.

“Malcolm if someone steals your car I’m not hunting it down.”

“Okay one… Please? And two, I doubt it! The Rayfield has amazing security!” I just stared at him for a while, before he sighed. “Should I send it home first? Catch a ride home with Ichi or something?” He asked quietly, like a kicked dog.

I stared for a while, there were people starting to arrive, and it was obvious Malcolm was getting attention… I sighed, running a hand over my face to keep myself from smiling.

“If someone steals your car I’ll help you get it back. Go get ‘em tiger.” I said, slapping him on the shoulder.

There were quite a few people looking at Malcolm with interest. Good luck buddy.

I headed to the passenger seat and pulled out my Guitar and Music box.

Deep breaths. I turned and headed inside. The bar was tiny. One main room, a set of stairs to the second floor that was just a viewing level.

One tiny bathroom, and a small storage room that led back outside. Bar to my left, and there it was…

The stage looked so much smaller than I remember.

The massive Samurai mural was there, but the rest of it felt like it was barely big enough for me, much less an entire band.

“Motoko!” Hiromi cheered at me from the bar. “Come over! Meet the owner!”

Walking over the older man behind the bar gave me a look over and a nod. “So you’re Motoko Kusanagi. Well, I wish you luck kid. Payment’ll get sent to your manager when you’re done.” He offered and then turned to take an order from an early patron.

“See! All set!” Hiromi offered and I nodded, looking away over the bar.

Why was I doing this?

“Just relax Motoko! Here, c’mon!” Hiromi demanded pulling me away and towards the little storage room. I let her lead me away and then once the door was closed she spun on me. “Motoko! You can do this!”

“I know! I’m just… It’s embarrassing!” I whined childishly rubbing my face.

“Pfft. I guess even you lose some of your cool sometimes too huh?” She teased and I stuck my tongue out at her which she returned, and soon we were both giggling.

“You can do it.”

“I know.”

“Good! Then get dressed. Where is the outfit we got for you.”

“I’m not wearing it.” I told her firmly. The monstrosity that Ichi, Malcolm, and Hiromi had decided was somehow going to be my Rockerboy outfit was a definite no.

“Aww, it was sexy though.”

“It’s fine. This is what I’m comfortable with anyway.” I was wearing my jeans, and Leotard, with my jacket on top, and I even had my fingerless gloves. Hadn’t worn them in a while since I didn’t need them anymore, but it felt right.

“At least the-”

“Hiromi, I know you think it’s sexy, but it’s really not me.” I denied her. The less said about the hat the better.

“Fine, it’s your gig after all. We have a seat up front, you should come hang out for a while.” Then she leaned in with a smirk. “Ichi has been flirting with a waitress for the last ten minutes, and fumbling with it every time.”

“Okay, that I have to see.” I agreed and we both smirked as I followed Hiromi back into the main room. I looked around and nodded. It wasn’t very active, less than twenty people so far.

Everything was good. That size of a crowd I could deal with.

Settling onto the table I noticed that Malcolm was inside now, and both boys jolted as Hiromi and I arrived, and then pretended nothing was wrong.

“What are you two up to?”

“Nothing!” Both boys denied at once, only making it more obvious they were hiding something.

“Okay sure.” I argued with a snort, and slipped onto the stool seating. Heaving my guitar on top along with my Music box.

Now… Now I wait.

It was actually pretty fun.

Ichi was failing at flirting with the waitress indeed, his own overeagerness was hilarious, especially since I could scan the woman and know she was twice his age.

Double hilarity.

Malcolm actually had some attention from the men and women that had seen him come in with a Rayfield. Although to Malcolms annoyance, it was mostly questions about what his dad did for a living.

Hiromi though was busy, barely taking any part in the conversation as she was constantly on calls.

Then, it grew closer. Twenty minutes until I was up.

And in walked Junichirou Kusanagi.

“Who squealed?” I demanded, harshly looking at my chooms. “Just tell me, I’ll only kill you a little!” I hissed at the little traitors, and all three of them looked away.

“So it’s treason then.” I whispered out, realizing they had all betrayed me.

“Of course we had to tell Jun, Motoko! He’d have killed us if we didn’t!” Ichi finally squealed first, as Hiromi waved at Jun but was distracted on a call still.

I growled at the two boys before flushing as Jun walked over and pulled me into a tight hug.

“I’m so proud of you.” He whispered into my ear, which was just outright breaking the rules!

“So why this shit hole?” The person that had accompanied Jun asked. Alice looked over the place with a look of distaste.

“Hey!” The owner called out, but Alice just ignored him as he turned to just grumble to himself instead.

“I didn’t expect you Alice… And I wanted a small place for my first gig.” I answered back. She nodded at that.

“Well it is small. And Jun asked me to come, when I heard it was you playing I had to come.” She offered, but I could tell that wasn’t the truth, she was making eyes at Jun the whole time.

Fair enough. Jun probably asked her to come since she was more musically inclined, and she knew me, not realizing Alice didn’t give a shit about me.

But Jun was here now! Dammit!

This was supposed to be a small event!

Minutes passed as Jun and Alice settled in, at another table. There wasn’t enough room at the one my chooms had claimed.

To my discomfort more people were coming in, already the stereo was playing Samurai songs, and the noise was drawing in the crowd.

My fingers tapping away at the table must have been obvious but not one bothered me.

And time moved ever closer.

The Unicorn

Well-known member
I haven’t really done gigs that work as BD’s so I haven’t stopped by for Judy in a bit… But um… You got a minute?”
I had been wondering why she wasn't producing any BD recently, I suppose if she's actually deluded herself into thinking no one would want to see them that explains that.
I'm guessing that means no BD (and thus no reactions to BD) of Motoko playing RockerGirl band...


Das BOOT (literally)
Staff Member
Loved the scene with the Mox, and I agree, damn you for the cliffhanger!

Money on Hiromi lining up more gigs for Moto! Whether of the Rockerboy or Section 9 variety. And is that foreshadowing I see for some gonk trying to steal a preem ride?

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