From the "Oh Hell no" files


Would you kindly?
Cross-referenced under "What the Hell were they thinking?" and "Who would even want that?" and "I do believe we've discovered the works of a Slaneesh cult", we have...

A skin-substitute sleeve for your phone that makes it ticklish and pinchable.

Now, there are some useful applications for the skin. Of course, technology like this will be used for seamless prosthetic limbs to give the user a sense of touch. And there's also the fact that it extends the touch-sensitive phone interface beyond the screen. With this technology, you could create a phone that you unlock by... uh...

OK. If you want to unlock your phone by tickling it, you're almost certainly a pervert in dire need of professional help.

But you could use it on game controllers. The entire surface of a next-generation Xbox controller could be a control surface, allowing you to input commands with all your fingers. The only downside is that you'd have a fleshmote straight out of a hypothetical eXistenZ sequel. All it's missing are random teeth and protruding bones.

Any takers?

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