OOC Note - this will be ending tonight, so cosplay as commies to your hearts content... and GO TO GULAG.
It is done... after working on it for a long time, and sacrificing many a fellow goulag members, we have finally finished building the ultimate tool to achieve reactionary counter-revolution! Behold!
Death to the communist regime!
Say Liberty Prime do you want orbital fire support?Glorious Workers' and Peasants' forum will endure! You cannot stop the Revo-
Copy that MAC rounds and Archer missiles are inbound. As is fire from our secondary CoilgunsAll orbital assets are weapons free, target and fire.
BOOM!!!...Copy that MAC rounds and Archer missiles are inbound. As is fire from our secondary Coilguns
*MASSIVE EXPLOSION HITS LIBERTY PRIME IN THE REAR*With our superior technology and ability to change time as we wish, we support the counter-counter revolution with our own weapons
"Can't rely on anybody these days." I muttered as I jerked my head to @Abhorsen while grabbing my power armors helmet.*static over the radio. Long static. Static stops*
This is the time! We must now stop the commies! They think they can beat us but I have put word out to the stars! When they first took over!
I have called for help from anyone out there!
*gun fire could ne heard. A laugh and "Die commie scum!" Aa bullets are heard.*
We have taken the largest base! We now have access to your anti space weapons! Surrender or we will drive this place into darkness!
*static as radio transmission ends*
Had been planning on fighting someone worthy of my skills. Had thought every every known thing the commies have or can get. Has planned for everything. Is waiting to find out what someone has in store."Can't rely on anybody these days." I muttered as I jerked my head to @Abhorsen while grabbing my power armors helmet.
"You are in charge of the orbit fight from here on out! @Battlegrinder will remain with you on standby with our drop troops! I am going to assist @LordSunhawk with the ground fight." I stated quickly as I twisted my helmet on tight, and broke into a run on the way out of the room, my armor clanking all the while.
I hit my comm links. @Bear Ribs ! I know I can't rush progress, but for the love of the revolution get that weapon up and running ASAP!!!
I Quickly cycled to another channel hearing the voice of one of my me. "Comrade Fallout troops are prepared as you requested..."
"Good." I smiled as I thought. About @Zachowon and the rest of his capitalist and Commstarrite friends...
Comrades! It is time to unleash our ultimate weapon against the capitalist oppressors! They shall die knowing that the TRUE COMMUNISM is superior to their feeble efforts at defying the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Those who resist the wise, just, and benevolent rule of the PEOPLE shall contemplate their sins while laboring for the good of all in the GULAG!
Comrades! The time is now! The day is here!