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  1. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    I will bow out of this thread from here on.
  2. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    I'm not saying it was. It might take someone that long just to read, sort through, and make sense all of it before they're able to say "this is BS" and "this is not BS".
  3. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Have you ever tried to read a 1,000+ page college textbook in one afternoon? I have and I can tell you that Econemetrics made more sense before I read what was basically graduate level linear algebra which required a math degree to understand than I do now.
  4. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    True. The fact that it will take years for someone to go through it all and say "this is bullshit" and "this is not bullshit" does lead to "we shouldn't release all of it at once".
  5. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Think about how large the library of the textbooks all 40-ish classes a typical college degree requires. About 20-40k pages total if I had to guess and you don't have time to carefully read all of that over the course of four years. I know I didn't and mostly skimmed them.
  6. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Sorta like how 190proof Everclear (pretty close to azeotropic ethanol, 96.3%) is considered safe for human consumption but is most definitely not to be used with 40s and 50s-era LOX-ethanol rocket motor designs? We can safely drink it. When burned with liquid oxygen those motor designs will...
  7. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    True, they would be able to go through it in a quick manner. However, the resulting nonsense will vastly exceed the salient parts.
  8. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    ... and draw all the wrong conclusions while littering the analysis with lolcats and other memes. It's 4chan and should be taken with a healthy dose of scepticism. The complete works of Shakespeare are only about 1,300 pages long and a college-level Shakespeare class will require, at most...
  9. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    That's 330,000-ish pages of data. I'm pretty sure no one has ever or will ever sit down and actually read all of that unless very bored and have years of nothing better to do.
  10. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." If you don't think the reaction is worth it then you don't perform the action. If you do think it's worthwhile, then you do it. That's what I'm pointing out.
  11. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    You are as free as you wish to be. I am under absolutely no God-enforced obligation to pay my mortgage. If I don't pay it, I will face consequences. We have free will and not even God, for all his omnipotent power, can take that away from us. The right to say yes/no at any time is the only...
  12. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    I never said that doing so was legal. I said that it was possible and that you would be penalized if you did.
  13. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Like I said, unpleasant penalties.
  14. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    SEALs, like you and store clerks, are volunteers. They don't have to be there. They're paid to be there and can quit at any time, as can you if you decide to walk away.* * Breach of contract penalties are part of the enlistment terms. They're not pretty, but you can quit whenever you want to.
  15. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    On what actual grounds? Navy SEALS aren't store clerks and I'm pretty sure that if push came to shove a random store clerk who doesn't know how to swim will be a whole hell of a lot sneakier than SEALs are because getting a job as a clerk often requires passing a background check and clerks...
  16. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Ah ... I wouldn't trust one of their labs to comply with the American or Russian hazardous materials safety rules they claim to meet. That's assuming they can even meet the standards in the first place.
  17. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Yes, I was serious. Considering the thread title someone saying "Wuhan Lab" means the lab could be just about anywhere and isn't all that good of a descriptor.
  18. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Where was the lab?
  19. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    Smallpox samples are handled with Biosafety Level 4 containment procedures. Those basically amount to "yes" when it comes to safety precautions.
  20. bintananth

    China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

    I'm pretty sure they know exactly what they're doing when it comes to making sure smallpox doesn't get loose because it's been over four decades since someone contracted smallpox and that patient was from a place which could generously be called "A 3rd World Shithole" on good day.