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  1. TyrantTriumphant

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    While it is true that leftist Jews deflect legitimate criticism by calling it antisemitism all sorts of non-Jewish leftists do the same thing. Criticize a black leftist and they call you a racist, argue with a woman and you're a sexist. And so on. Jews are not the problem, leftists are the...
  2. TyrantTriumphant

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    The Left doesn't defend Israel's right to exist. Have you not noticed those hordes of Leftist agitators in the streets screaming "death to Israel" because I sure have. Or how the EU, which is pretty much globalism incarnate had been constantly denouncing Israel for years? And the same for the...
  3. TyrantTriumphant

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Only if it survives the Supreme Court. I personally doubt it will.
  4. TyrantTriumphant

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    I've heard that New York is starting to ship it's illegals back to Florida. The hypocrisy is sickening.