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  1. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    "Don't kill babies and don't mutilate children " "LOL that makes you the real groomers" It doesn't even make any sense
  2. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    I'm more and more okay with the death penalty for these grooming freaks. Hang the parents. Hang the drag queen, hang the onlookers who are cheering this on. This poor little girl is better off in state care than with her parents who are sexually exploiting her. How does not one adult in this...
  3. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Just from the description, consider yourself lucky you didn't see it.
  4. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    As much as I complain about rules, this is a good one. I had a member PM me a description of the photos. While it was nothing illegal, it is nothing I want to actually see, and I appreciate you guys taking swift action. That shit has no place on this site. Keep up the good work. We appreciate it.
  5. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Well that's disturbing
  6. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Well no one knows what he pulled so.... What did he do?
  7. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    You really don't understand teens lol. If parents are doing it, it's not cool anymore. It pissing off or confusing the parents is a big part of what makes things cool. Once the grown ups get on board it's yesterday's news.
  8. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    This is the line that the right needs to push. Every time the phrase "Trans minor" is uttered, they need to be corrected to "abused child." Don't let them win the language war. It's important.
  9. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    About fucking time
  10. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    I went on them willingly and they only made me worse. I lost my sex drive, appetite and developed insomnia, it had me on a big manic phase which made me think they were working, but then things settled down and I started having suicidal thoughts. Never had before even with diagnosed...
  11. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    No they aren't. You always go on about how everyone is on the verge of snapping. It's been years now. They aren't going to do shit about this.
  12. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    I've said it a million times, and the aforementioned lesbian couple I mentioned agrees: pride month hurts the gays way more than it helps. So many people are fine with it just as long as you don't cram it down their pun intended. So the solution? Let's cram it down everyone's...
  13. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    I think people would be surprised how many LGB people are against the LGBT political movement. But they're silenced pretty effectively. They don't get retweets and shares at the same rate that people who follow the narrative do, and plenty of them who I have talked to are scared of speaking out...
  14. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Yep. It's easy to forget that slavery, servitude, mass genocide, etc were not an exception, but the way things were...for like all of human history, until a few hundred years ago. Society has improved DRAMATICALLY in that time, and we are at a point now, that things are so good that these...
  15. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    On that, we agree.
  16. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    Not going to end any time soon.
  17. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    My man, when you post stuff like this you should really post links, otherwise it's kinda just spammy and doesn't contribute much
  18. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    This has followed the left's playbook perfectly. "It's not happening No really It's not happening We told you conspiracy theorists It's not happening Okay it is happening, and it's good"
  19. Rocinante

    Leftist Child Grooming

    I'm glad I was born like a decade or two earlier than I could have been. When I was young I was over weight, and I got red chapped lips a lot. People would make fun of my man boobs and red lips and say I look like a girl. So I had expressed thoughts and opinions to my parents like "I think I'm...