1. R

    The Empire of Nicaea does not conquer Constantinople in 1261 but instead focuses on defending its Anatolian territories

    As I said, though, the Mongol invasions drove a new wave of Turks to Anatolia, which actually strengthened the Turks.
  2. R

    The Empire of Nicaea does not conquer Constantinople in 1261 but instead focuses on defending its Anatolian territories

    I think that by then, there were too many Turks for Nicaea to expand eastwards. Note a new wave of Turks migrated to Anatolia because of the Mongol invasions.
  3. R

    The Empire of Nicaea does not conquer Constantinople in 1261 but instead focuses on defending its Anatolian territories

    LSCatilina has said at alternatehistory.com that he considered Nicaea retaking Constantinople was the point of no return for Byzantine Anatolia as Nicaea diverted its attention to Constantinople, When does Turkish Anatolia become irreversible?.