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    Transgender Rights

    I live near Fredericksburg. like I said: I can't verify the story. but. the story is supported by other girls AND the beast went and had a repeat performance at another high school. seems like verification enough.

    Transgender Rights

    now, this is "friend of a friend" reporting, but I have no reason to doubt the source, esp. since they live in Loudoun county. 1. the rape was witnessed by other HS girls, who ran for adult help. (may even be smartphone video.:unknown) 2. Adult help never came. 3. the crime was stopped by...

    Transgender Rights

    Thoughts on Transgenderism and Individual Rights. Transgenderism is a mental illness / sign of mental deficiency. Just because it is currently trendy and cool and "the popular people are doing it", does not give it validation. Children who consider themselves TG (often after much...