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  1. Bigking321

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    Even if Trump had some still classified stuff (he didn't, the fbis thing is bs) the fbi released that staged photo of the stuff they "found". If it was somehow still classified they just publicly showed them. The only way they don't get in trouble for that is if the documents are declassified...
  2. Bigking321

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    I dunno... Not having a lawyer seems incredibly risky.
  3. Bigking321

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    It's pretty standard for the justice department. They raided stone I believe. Super early morning with fully kitted out fbi agents. And CNN tipped off before hand to be there at a certain time to get pictures that looked good for the Russia gate propaganda. They raided project Veritas as...
  4. Bigking321

    Breaking News FBI raids Trump's Mar-a-Largo Resort home

    Holy.... Yeah. Fbi needs to go. This is insane.