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  1. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    I think the "look at this incendiary stuff you posted on the internet, bet you regret that now" comments are missing the mark a bit, that's basically accepting the left's premise that heated rhetoric can not only inspire some psycho to act, but that blame for the action lies partially on those...
  2. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    That they were officially banned didn't mean some didn't sign up anyway. Screening would only catch people that went through SRS or had an official diagnosis for gender disphoria, and that would only be an issue recently. Back in, say, WW2 when countries were drafting as many people as they...
  3. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    You are aware that there are other categories of people that are also undeployable? The military has loads of people that aren't qualified for combat arms and just stay stateside pushing paperwork. At some point in history, almost certainly yes, but not lately.
  4. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    @Comrade Sophia hate the term "LGBTQIA+" because it's too complex, but "I sexually identify as a Pansexual Polyamorous Homoromantic Gynephillic Relationship Anarchist" is fine? How does that work, exactly?
  5. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    He knows based on the article cited, and he said "can", not "will". Though it would be more accurate to say he suspects rather than knows, given the subject matter is so poorly understood.
  6. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    Only in the same way there's a problem having a "political party", "company", "club", or "team". There's always going to be that one person who reflects badly on everyone else (but not badly enough to be kicked out or publicly chastized), no matter the nature of the group. It's unsurprising the...
  7. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    I doubt it's "a lot", it's the same type of loudmouthed fanatic that populates the fringes of any movement, and they always act that way. The most fervent supporter of a cause and the greatest obstacle standing against acceptance of that cause are usually the same person.
  8. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    Because making an entire division for, at best, two people is a waste of time and resources.
  9. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    Well, most minorities, and in particular ones like trans people who come off as being, for lack of a better word, "wrong" to the rest of the population, have a natural desire to avoid giving those people ammo. Like, I was very clear to say that Johnathan Yaniv is a freak who's maliciously taking...
  10. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    Ok, do you have a source on that's not obviously written by some rando with an axe to grind? I'd like something with a bit more credibility and professionalism than someone going "look guys, this screenshot shows I totally talked to the author, and she agrees with me! Take that, bigots!". Some...
  11. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    No, I just didn't find it relevant given that other studies fill in that gap. I don't have all of them on hand right now, will post later. A large margin, but still well above the normal population. And this study is short term, the swedish long term study suggests that any benefit...
  12. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    First one Key takeaway: And when you check that table, it's basically a range of values between 40 and 50%, with even the "less likely" group having 30% or so as the norm. Second one Now, I can't seem to find a baseline figure for the non-transitioned Swedish suicide rate, the only one I...
  13. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    As far as I'm aware, no, and if you're the type to sexually assault random strangers you probably don't care that about also getting charged with trespassing or whatever. There have been cases of creeps using it to spy on women or wanted to do so (I know Yaniv did the latter), but no actually...
  14. Battlegrinder

    Transgender Rights

    As far as I know or can tell, the primary issue, or at least one of the primary issues facing the trans community is the extremely high sucide rate that effect the community. Given that, society should work with that community to try and address that, and implement policies that will reduce that...