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  1. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Now, there atw a few aspects od Kaynesianism I am not that against. loke for example thst govenrment spending can help lessen thr ompsct of rrcessions. for example, infrastructure, some military expenditures, agriculture and power generation and some fields of educatuon and research can get...
  2. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Yes, and why is that? Could it be perhaps because playing in the casino called the stock market is the only chance for most people to get some yield above that of the pathetically low, below inflation rates on bonds and CDs? The same low rates brought upon by the Keynesian idiocy? There is a...
  3. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    He was successful investing by trying to spot the bubble, buy before the hoi poloy, and after probably dump leaving them holding the bag. No analysis of fundamentals or anything. That is not investing, that is speculation. And do you know who benefits the most out of Keynesian economics...
  4. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Nope, as a human being he was also scummy, too. You should read a bit about his way of investing, that obviously I formed his other bullshit theories. To him investing in the stock market is like trying to guess which woman is going to win in a beauty pageant. However, to win the money you...
  5. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    I'd suggest you go out and read manias, panics and crashes by Kindleberger or some of the other econ books I have suggested on here over the years. Most of these crashes start with an increase in interest rates, which becomes necessary because of inflation, or because of a natural loss of...
  6. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Except that there isn't anything as permanent as a temporary government policy. :ROFLMAO: The wealth effect and free money are not adding anything to the economy's productivity. Theydistorts the market, promote malinvestment and living beyond one's means and protect bloated, inefficient...
  7. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    I prefer feel good snake oil salesmen and human scum, myself. One of Keynes' key ideas was that of the broken window and it being a food thing. Another is the so called wealth effect, e.g. juicing up the stock and other securities prices, house prices and creating inflation to force people to...
  8. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Well, it will likely have the reverse effect.
  9. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    I think this is the Democrats trying to apepase both their special interest voting blocks while virtue signalling. In any case, US and EU foreign aid being shot at US and EU foreign aid has been a meme since the conflict started. Also, it might be related to the vile machinations of that...
  10. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Also, he was a slimy machine politician that FDR put in place to pander to some people in his own party. He was never employed to be a strong potential presidential candidate, since FDR just wanted to run the USA for as many mandates as he could get away with/until he croaked.
  11. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    This! All this. Before WWI Russia was growing on average 9% PER YEAR! Via mostly capitalist methods and free-ish trade. After, their GDP was falling until the 30s. A conservative politician called Gustav Stresemann, who had pretty liberal economic views, not Hitler, fixed Wiemar's...
  12. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    More shithole country overflow coming to a country near you: I'fthey are so eager to come to the west and think their countries are crap and without a future then why the fuck did they demand to be decolonized in the first place. Oh sure, some great power politics...
  13. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Lol? Do the blades actually run or are they just there to provide a nasty surprise for anyone close. Because chainsaw blades on their own aren't IMHO the sharpest thing on the planet. Or are the chains connecting the buoys and making a kind of underwater fence?
  14. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Do not forget that the Polish "ideal" is a return to a poliglot, dualist hereditary oligarchy whose name sounds like an overpriced waminz clothing shop. At least for some Poles.
  15. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Never used that, myself, but I am hardly a DB programmer or administrator. Thst said, I have my own stupid story about SQL.With 3 senior geniuses telling me that the only way to update akey in a JSON column was to use a script that modified every single one, without connection pooling or...
  16. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Tell me about it... It is even worse when they ship in buffoons from shitholes and pay them huge(compared to eastern europe) salaries. However, we are talking about Polish native enterprises here(And some Ukrainian and formerly Russian ones, too) that subcon to other companies. Fuckers I've...
  17. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Yeah, that is the Polish IT industry bribing their current government to pass shit just before the elections right there. Our local "union of startups" and a bunch of "IT" read shitty middlemen/outsourcers did the same crap. Apparently all the Ukrainian and Russian ITs and whole IT companies...
  18. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    > Be Slav. > Not get exterminated by Krauts, Turks, Nazis, Commies. > Die en masse of alcohol poisoning. Well, they made a huge mistake not reading or understanding the labels. The reason you distillate home made alcohol twice and throw out the "early" desstilate to get rid of the methyl alcohol.
  19. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Guy was a quaker from a pretty religious background and with a total ass for a father. He was persistent and had lots and lots of insecurities. So, yeah, not an evil or a stupid person per se, but very much broken due to personality quirks, tism and shitty circumstances, and going against the...
  20. Agent23

    Immigration and multiculturalism news

    Yeah, one of their early hypersonic bombers needed to use alcohol as cooling. Guess which posting was the most coveted, and why they pondered the need of mixing poison into the cooling. :ROFLMAO: