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  1. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    The graphs are kinda kooky. Edit: not all dollars ever I think but graph still looks just dumb.
  2. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    Not sure if this is the correct thread but did anyone hear about that thing in Germany? Couple hours ago a police raid on some going doing a podcast was caught on air? And apparently the videos were removed?
  3. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    I know, but looks to me like they are already starting to try and cover their own behinds. And I picture Canadian Liberals as hosers anyway. I mean what do you have to believe to be considered a liberal in Canada? Edit: Just making a Canada joke. Don't take seriously yeah?
  4. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    Remember eh, you can't blame Trudeau on the voting machines eh! That's how Canadians sound right?
  5. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    Remind me again how long was the first one supposed to last?
  6. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    Hmm...fixed. Got my tin pots mixed up.
  7. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    Even if that happens, I give it 4 months at most for Biden to be Amendmemt 25thed and 4 months after that for Pelosi to Epstein Kamala only to not remember she was in the middle of being dethroned by Cortez who then learns there is an age requirement. Irony demands nothing less.
  8. Abhishekm

    Who else dreads this year?

    A lot of unavailable tweets. Ypu guys have pics to put there instead?