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  1. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Most modern rap is indeed crap. Even some of Kendrick's stuff. Idk what he played or sounded like at the super bowl so no judhement there. But man he has some bangers, too. I mostly like older rap 90s and 2000s. Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, NWA, Tupac, Biggie, etc
  2. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    If it's not your genre then it's not your genre. But he's very talented. Personally I find a lot of his songs hit or miss, but the hits really hit. I really like that one called DNA.
  3. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Kendrick absolutely does not fall into the (c)rap genre. He's one of the best to ever do it. He's at the very top of the game for a reason. Still think his last cd was mid though.
  4. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    I'm a Kendrick fan, (rap fan in general,) but I disagree with this entire post. I don't think it slightly matters, at all. Anyways Kenrick's last album was crap. No real bangers. Not terrible but nothing stands out.
  5. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate that
  6. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    I have been open about my drug using past. So I'll share an anecdote. I never got addicted to coke. I was like one of the people you mentioned above. Did it from time to time to have a good night. As far as I recall, it doesn't cause chemical dependency. That's not a requirement for...
  7. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    It hasn't filtered to the normies yet. It's still far right conspiracy land. But more and more Independents are covering it. People will care, but it'll take time for them to realize that it's not right wing fake news. Of course, there will always remain a group of people who are more mad at...
  8. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Unfortunately, a successful attack is going to need to happen before anyone takes any of it seriously.
  9. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Yeah. Quite frankly a lot ofnthese studios deserve to go under, and will, because this business model is not sustainable. I had spent a while wondering if I've just grown up too much to enjoy games. But once in a while a really good one comes around and reminds me that I do still enjoy...
  10. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Once all the AAA studios crash we will probably see a lot of stuff like this. A Phoenix will raise from the ashes. We are probably on the horizon of a new gaming golden age. Just gotta let this current monster fully die off first.
  11. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    To be honest, we don't even need a next generation right now. Look at RDR2. That was from the PREVIOUS generation and is still utterly beautiful. Same goes for Ghost of Tsushima. One of the most visually stunning games I've ever played. Downright gorgeous. Amazing art. Previous generation. New...
  12. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Looks like it's just a bug that they intend to fix...not that big of a deal.
  13. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    To quote myself from a different thread: They are a weak people. They'll let their entire country be taken over by radical Islamists who groom their children, and if anyone says anything the police will be like "oy that social media post is a bit rude innit. Off to jail you go" And they're...
  14. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Imagine trying to equate something that is mislabeled, and harmful every time due to the contents being poisonous/dangerous, to a mostly harmless food product that simply carries a higher risk than the pasteurized version.
  15. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    I've never had raw milk, but I've had cheese made from raw milk, and it's extraordinarily good. I hear raw milk tastes better and has nutritional benefits of some sort. Idk, I haven't looked into it. I'd taste it though. I take dietary risks with raw eggs and beef and seafood, what's some milk...
  16. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Doesn't matter. If someone wants to sell it, And someone else wants to buy it knowing the risks, then there should be no problems. The "why" is inconsequential. "Because I want to" is reason enough.
  17. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    I think eating bugs is really gross, but as soon as they can sell me a chocolate flavored powder that's cheaper than whey and has a good amino acid balance, I'm on it. If it's powder formed, tastes like a chocolate milkshake and doesn't have any downsides, I stop caring at that point. Cheap...
  18. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Remind me who just won in a landslide, with the popular vote for the first time in decades? (And yes we know it wasn't the majority, just the popular vote, you are still the only one who cares about that.) You can't win without MAGA. Get fucked, elitist swine.
  19. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Cool story bro. I don't care how corrupt their country is. I've been working with them here in the US for years. While some are shitty, for the most part they get more work done for 70% of the cost, and less complaining. This doesn't just apply to Indians either. I employee an African man...
  20. Rocinante

    Five minutes of hate news

    Having them separated by state is probably the only reason some of them are any good at all. Giving more control to the federal government, like the dept of education, would make all schools worse. I mean seriously. The federal government is incompetent at all levels. Letting them have more...