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  1. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    ...Ya know, seeing @SoliFortissimi basically shriek "it's not slavery!" at the top of his lungs while every real-life definition provided says that yes, it is slavery is as entertaining as fuck. :ROFLMAO: Slavery comes in more forms than just "hippity boppity, you've now got iron shackles...
  2. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    As a dog and cat lover, this infuriates me to an undescribable degree.
  3. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Never heard his stuff in particular so I can't form an opinion, but I stand by my view that most modern rappers just spew generic crap, with generic themes, to a generic "beat". They literally look, act, and sound like they're high on crack or meth every single minute of the day. Edit: Then...
  4. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    There's rap music and then there's [c]"rap music". Most in the last ten, fifteen years are the latter now that someone even with brain damage can make [and honestly, most "rap stars" now look like they have brain damage or actually have it because they're coking it up every night]. So, no...
  5. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Even I can see how fucking stupid and sus this guy is. facepalm
  6. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    I've seen men, just ordinary men and not the type you'd expect to be complete mysogonists or stereotypical 'incels', say shit like "Islam may be many things, but keeping their women from basically destroying themselves by keeping them in line isn't one of them". So, yeah. o_O It's already...
  7. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    "No to deportation!" "You're being deported to El Salvador." "Wait, that's illegal." "No, it ain't."
  8. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    *Husband's asses. :p [Yes, they're one and the same in their case].
  9. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    ...The point of Lego, right at its goddamn founding, is that it was for everyone. Adult, kid, straight, gay, moosefuckers... It doesn't matter. To try to claim it's anti-Groomers United is just their trying to gain victim points over nothing. Again. Is it any wonder more and more people are...
  10. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Recognition basically switched from Taiwan to China, unfortunately. In the long run, this was an obvious fucking mistake. sigh
  11. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    That's Hong-Kong, dude. And, yeah, it is as fucked as it sounds. China also completely broke the terms of the handover within a few years, too -- What a fucking shocker right there.
  12. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    I think he means that Chinese influence has pretty much seeped through into a lot of Taiwanese businesses and government ["one way or another"] aspects, which is kinda true. You have sympathetic politicians out there which genuinely want to unite with China or are basically CCP plants/assets...
  13. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Banks are amoral enough that they'd take anyone's money unless they're a direct threat to the bank, sadly enough. Still, I get the feeling the twat isn't well liked because of the "I am the law!" crap he tried to pull.
  14. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Even the banks themselves were like, "what? He didn't defraud us, and we happily did business with him", and that Libtard [and I use that term rarely] judge was literally "I am the law! I know better than the 'victims' themselves!" Honestly, that useless cunt should be removed from the bench...
  15. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    I stand by my statement. The people who committed this atrocity to that poor woman, her mother included, are fucking monsters.
  16. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Oh god, I'm horrified beyond words. The mother and the surgeons/doctors responsible mutilated this poor woman. These monsters deserve the noose, not jailtime.
  17. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Yup. They tried to scrub mention of it [articles were deleted/edited in the days following], but his parents [I also think they were Eastern Europeans of some stripe, but don't hold me to that because I'm unsure] were basically "Christian do gooders" who thought adopting and raising a child...
  18. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Factor in the end of the Cold War [actually, should it be called the First Cold War or Phase I Cold War?], decolonization [which has caused as many problems as it solved], and it was pretty much this. Except for the "Nineties Bushfires" [in Their view] in Eastern Europe, of course. This period...
  19. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    For every CIA fuckup we've heard of, there are likely twenty we've not heard of, and a hundred succesful ops that have been accomplished without anyone knowing. As much as they're loathed, the CIA wouldn't be still standing/effective if they're always clowns in suits. Likely a ragebait, but...
  20. Jormungandr

    Five minutes of hate news

    Can't happen soon enough. Fuck Starmer, fuck Labour, and fuck our shitty, decayed government structure.