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  1. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    Conservatives are giving up an easy culture win by hating on rap music. The super bowl show by Kendrick Lamar, admittedly not great, was still hilarious and an easy culture win for conservatives if they took it. First, it wasn't porn on a national stage. Second, it wasn't woke (despite what...
  2. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    Congrats on quitting man! That's hard to do and shows a lot of mental toughness.
  3. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    Eh, not the craziest thing. Unlike Meth and Heroin, I know people who do Cocaine semi-regularly, but aren't actually what I'd call strung out addicts. It's just a thing done casually for them. They are pretty functional people, with pretty normal lives, who'd you never guess do cocaine. And...
  4. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    I honestly thought Larian was more AA than AAA, but then I never really had a good definition for the distinctions.
  5. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    Federal. Also, all crime in DC, including parking tickets, are federal as well, and can be pardoned by the president.
  6. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    For Fauci, only a lawsuit, and maybe. The real way to get Fauci is to have Rand Paul subpoena him, and ask him questions. Because of the pardon, he can't actually plead the fifth anymore. So you get him to confess or perjure himself.
  7. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    Gotcha. Okay, first the topic: Or more clearly, "does accepting a pardon means acceptance of guilt?" Right now there's no Supreme Court Case that says a) one way or another, and is b) binding. In one SCOTUS case's opinion (that's what the judges write to say what the law is), they said...
  8. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    This is unsettled law. There's dictum (a non-binding statement as part of a SCOTUS majority opinion) in Burdick v US (1915) that says it is, but again, that isn't precedent. In 2021, the 10th Circuit of Appeals found the opposite. That's likely irrelevant. The Pardon is a constitutional power...
  9. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    Oh, you want rule of the strong? Move to Africa.
  10. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    It comes out of diplomatic immunity. Basically, diplomats have some immunity to laws. Then the diplomats abuse this immunity, because some are scum, then it becomes normal to ignore said laws.
  11. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    I'd note that Britain was cucked long before immigration. Prior to Thatcher, it was very socialist. Your two parties are both socialist as well.
  12. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    So today I found out about the "Three Cues Method" AKA Reading Recovery. In short: don't learn phonics, those are bad. Instead, look at the pictures and guess. It's been scientifically shown to be long term harmful. Worse, since it's used as a recovery method, it traps young students who have...
  13. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    No prob. I'm not offended, but didn't want to steal valor by inaction.
  14. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    I'm not a soldier, never have been. Never claimed to be one either.
  15. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news The thread about the UHC murder.
  16. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    I'd say not professional, but a smart(ish) amateur. The professional assassinations are much better, and try to make things look like heart attacks. This one took a citibike and got tracked by a random guy on twitter who immediately ID'd which bike was taken. As for the company (United Health...
  17. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    Not yet, but start one and @ me, and maybe link it here. It's a huge deal. Casual assassinations of the elite will cause massive power shifts in America.
  18. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    The former is worse. And enough people cared that he got effectively un-nominated.
  19. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    The important role they play arresting pastors for preaching during covid (see Trump's ex-nominee for DEA)? Or the role they play trying to get an innocent man to confess to murder?
  20. Abhorsen

    Five minutes of hate news

    In more reasons to stop trusting cops, Daniel Penny should have known to shut up. You should also know to shut up after a self defense incident.