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  1. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well that, and they want to impose as much class stratification as possible so that they can feel superior.
  2. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Or, or; maybe everyone is just overreacting over a bog standard political disagreement, and playing into the establishment's hands by allowing them to sow division amongst their opposition.
  3. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Does Elon know that? Maybe he just thinks this is a "broken clock is right twice a day" situation, and isn't looking any deeper than the surface level. I just think it's way too early for you to be making that assertion. You don't actually know that; you're just assuming the worst.
  4. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    That is not what he said in that tweet at all; he said that people in the Republican party that don't recognize people born in America as Americans because of their race should be removed. Are you going to tell me you don't agree with that?
  5. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Let's at least give them the opportunity to walk it back though, before crucifying them.
  6. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Hopefully he sees reason and apologizes, or at least backs down from this hypocrisy.
  7. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    They're probably not lying about that; but only because Muslims are considered a protected class above any sort of recrimination or reproach over there, and simply saying anything even remotely negative about any of them constitutes hate speech. Which makes sense; after all, the ruling class in...
  8. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    A lot of things need to be done about the piss-poor state of mental health is this country; not least of which being disabusing the regressive leftist cult of their belief that having mental health problems is desirable, and a sign of high social status.
  9. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Only if the establishment is ousted; otherwise, they seem more inclined to simply throw open the doors to America, and pay the terrorists our tax money to kill as many of us as they can get their hands on.
  10. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    The regressive left has done a good job blaming all of the problems caused by socialism on capitalism, and thereby justify shifting our economy even further towards the former; causing even more problems they'll use to justify making things even worse.
  11. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    The sad thing is I'm pretty sure she'll end up killing herself one way or the other anyways, if left to her own devices.
  12. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Considering his behavior, going to other countries and filming himself doing everything he can to offend everyone, he is lucky he's not dead yet.
  13. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    In the long term, no; but most of the ruling class these days are either incapable of thinking ahead, or don't care what will happen because they believe that consequences are for the plebs to deal with.
  14. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Weimar Germany is where the all the regressive leftist insanity we're dealing with right now originated from; they fled to American academic institutions when the Nazis took over. Not exactly; the main thing stopping them from starting another war of conquest is the fact that they're currently...
  15. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Anyone else get infuriated when people on Youtube decide to inject their straight up ignorant and bigoted woke politics into videos about entertainment media that has nothing to do with politics? Because I sure do. At 12:53 he makes this joke mocking people who complain about politics in...
  16. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    The United Nations keep trying to get Japan to censor loli; even as their people have repeatedly gotten caught running child sex trafficking rings. It's all a distraction; meant to waste peoples' time and effort trying to protect drawings as if they're people, so that they won't notice the...
  17. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Most don't even know what it feels like to actually be unsafe; they think it's just them being exposed to the reality that the world doesn't actually revolve around them, or exists solely to bolster their egos, because someone had the temerity to tell them "no".
  18. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    No; because they're fundamentally dishonest people, and brevity just makes it easier to disprove their lies.
  19. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    Gotta say, I just love all the cultists going along with this insanity in the comments. Even openly stating that they'd vote for a corpse if it was running as a Democrat, because they're the good guys; and there is nothing neither you nor I could say to disabuse them of that delusion.
  20. Terthna

    Five minutes of hate news

    The utter refusal to even look at any information that contradicts his beliefs, compounded with how he insists that everyone is supposed to take everything he says as fact without question, is downright scary to see. This useful idiot with delusions of heroism is probably going to do something...