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  1. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    its honestly already happening as we speak, it looks like east asians are starting to get folded into white as well.
  2. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well the good news for my community is when this finally blows up in an orgy of violence we probally wont be the ones sent to the camps next time.
  3. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    The default assumption with right wingers is that everyone yourself included is some degree of fuck up and is motivated by self interest. While this looks a lot more cynical it actually results in people who are more willing and able to forgive and forget. The Left assumes people are born good...
  4. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    I think its less them boiling the frog too quickly and more that when left wing politics go to their natural conclusion they end up in abserdity.
  5. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    when your both being screwed over by feminists.
  6. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    Honestly it would not surprise me if that was the case. Not because I think redditors are all pedofiles but because she seems like the kind of person who's primary motivation in life is to lord power over others.
  7. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well yeah if you spend multiple years openly trying to destroy your political oponates and even average peoples free speech its pretty reasonable to expect them to do the exact same thing to you when they get into power in retailation. Really the dems have opened themselves up for a whole slew...
  8. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    We have litterally been trying to do that for over a 100 years now. There comes a point where you have to cut your loses.
  9. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    Who sells more booze in the united states? The legal and regulated breweries or the moonshiners?
  10. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    I don't think there are any good options. We just try to find the least crappy solution we can. Prohibition has been tried for a 100 years now and people are able to get crack into prison it clearly is not working.
  11. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    End the war on drugs, replace the black market with a legalized and regulated drug market that you at least have some control over and remove their primary source of wealth. There are no perfect solutions for america's drug crisis, prohibition of drugs over the last 100 years has been a...
  12. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    The world got more inter connected. And while for most of our histories Mexico and the US have considered each other mutually pains in our assholes. Their one of two countries that were inter connected with enough where we kind of have to attempt to get along with them. It does help that...
  13. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well lets see slavery ended in 1865 so its been over for 159 years, the last american slave died in 1971. Which makes claims of someones grandmother being a slave increasingly dubious. Unless their really old. The civil rights act happened roughly 60 years ago or roughly speaking 2 generations...
  14. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    The problem with communism is that were still too close to it in time. 100 years hence I expect historians to be a lot more honest about its evils and just how evil it was.
  15. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    Well looking around you have a huge large mass of men with no realistic possibility of getting laid or having a future, a society that actively punishes family formation. Most young men are being actively discriminated against at all levels of society and being fucked over, and feminists loudly...
  16. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    let me translate
  17. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    The WEF should never be in charge of historical sites. First of all they do not have that skill set at all. Like fucking at all, the ability to steal money from the public purse does not make you good at anything historical.
  18. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    Look at the birth rate. A civilization with out children has no future.
  19. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    People in general need standards that they are held against and called out when they fuck up, with a social mecanism of forgiveness to allow people who have fucked up to be welcomed back to the fold when they correct their behavior. We still have these restraints on men through successive...
  20. C

    Five minutes of hate news

    This is another aspect where I think your just....dead wrong. Women are not goddesses, their not perfect little angels who can do no wrong their people and people can suck and people who live in conquence free enviornments where their feelings are sheltered from being called on their bullshit...