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  1. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Your definition has no relation with the understood definition.
  2. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Which is bad, but still not slavery.
  3. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    That's a great idea for restricting ICE, but not for paid work being slavery. No, we're talking about well paid and highly sought out jobs.
  4. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Except we're not talking about actual slaves, so get back on topic. If you're being paid and are free to leave your job, you're not a slave.
  5. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Stop calling it slave labor when it's actually paid jobs, and much better paid than most of the country to boot. Like, people literally move to cities because they're desperate for what you call "slave labor".
  6. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Better to overestimate your enemies than underestimate them.
  7. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Obviously, but I'd rather not see them get anything. I refuse to bank on the enemy's incompetence. I never suspected otherwise. I trust Israel more than most of my countrymen.
  8. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    And if even Israel can't keep the plans close to their chest, we can be sure Xi knows everything he wants to know about the F 35. And unlike Modi, his engineers can make it better. Still, there's no telling if the deal will go through. Nothing is official yet and Trump is a mercurial moron...
  9. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Really weak bait. Do better if you want to deflect attention. This obsession with borders is hurting the economy and it's hurting real people. Stop before you're stopped
  10. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news Trump wants to sell F-35s to a Russian ally that just so happens to be ruled by Taliban style religious extremists. The PM of India is accused of mass murder and belongs to a (Hindu)...
  11. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Rabid xenophobia claims another good citizen.
  12. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    For someone so obsessed with race, you're very ignorant about certain statistics.
  13. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Whites are a minority->white teenagers are a minority according to this one study In other words, (non-hispanic) white aren't a minority. You lied. And don't worry about the future, we both know that it'll even out by the time they reach their 30s. Not that it matters, of course.
  14. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news It's confirmed, Bidenomics was nothing more than vibes and pointless spending. Save this article for any and every time Dems bring up his spending bills.
  15. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news
  16. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    The real shock is that nobody except you people cares, and you people only care because it makes progs on bluesky angry. Geopolitics is a lot stupider than I thought.
  17. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news
  18. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    Sure, let's wait and see. I've seen this before, and the Mission was never Accomplished.
  19. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news

    You're putting the cart before the horse.
  20. SoliFortissimi

    Five minutes of hate news