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  1. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Always thought tanks with added armour looked nifty, especially those with spare tracks everywhere :p Though apparently the extra track was of little help most of the time. The best idea seems to have been this style Where they've gone and cut up a wrecked tank and welded entire slabs...
  2. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Another interesting story... That photo is from the battle for Berlin in 1945, noticeable in it is a pair of ancient MkV tanks that seemed to have shown up to the wrong war. Both tanks were apparently previously owned by the White Russians and taken as prizes by the Commies when they won...
  3. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Soviet tank in 1944 passing a Soviet tank knocked out on the same road in 1941.
  4. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Soviet T-35 pictured with the crew needed to operate it ;)
  5. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    any got that funky tiger stripe camo?
  6. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    The Sherman design is standard but it was made in half a dozen factories and each factory did things slightly differently. They all had the same engine for its model, same armour, same basic dimensions, but the way they were put together varies a lot. A true expert could tell you the factory and...
  7. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    You also have the round nose cast transmission cover and the exposed bolts which are mid production features. The thing is a Frankenstein :p But it does follow, lots of early Shermans were remoddeled before Normandy and refitted with new parts on old hulls. As built that hull wouldn't have the...
  8. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Definite M4 from 43. If you look at the back of the engine deck you can see the small air scoop used to cool the engine. Only M4 and M4A4 had those, and its not an A4 as they were longer than standard issue ones. Position of its siren on the glacis dates it to 43, earlier ones had the siren more...
  9. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Probably, there are a few as gate guards I've seen but it is surprising how many WWII vehicles you can find :) Myanmar for instance still has a pair of USN Minesweepers in operation, though I'd be surprised if they can move very fast :p
  10. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Remember the army of Myanmar? Better known as Burma maybe, famous for its ethnic cleansing and getting on the wrong side of Rambo? Anyway they had a military parade this year where they showed off their cutting edge equipment These are apparently still operational rather than in the parade...
  11. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Not a tank but my personal favourite was the USAF jet that in the time before guided missiles fired unguided nuclear tipped rockets as its air to air weapon. Definitely get the job done :p Just when you think Fallout was a parody real life shows you something even more crazy :D
  12. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    The 183mm L4 will always make me smile for its sheer impractical dedication to destruction. The 50s had some amazing oddball weapons, from that Soviet flying saucer tank to the US putting nukes on everything :p
  13. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    To a degree, personally I'd go for the Russian 100mm which was used in their Tank hunters and later the T-55, bigger shell and higher muzzle velocity than any of the other allied guns that went into service. The Soviets used to call it 'The end of fucking anything' which is the literal...
  14. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    They tested the 76mm and a 17pdr in the US to see whether or not it was worth the US buying the UK guns. The target was a captured Panther hull which they took turns shooting at with different ammo types. Results were that the 76mm firing standard ammo hit every shot but failed to penetrate the...
  15. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    firing standard ammo yes, HVAP was a bit more unstable and comparable to the sabot rounds but standard ammo it was extremely accurate. The 75mm was very accurate too. These figures are at 1,000 yards, beyond that the German gun holds accuracy very well at longer ranges but most combat isn't...
  16. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Regarding accuracy post war tests found that the dispersion at 1000m for the M1 76mm was about .26, the German 75/42 .29, 17pdr .39, US 90mm .32 and Russian guns in the .5 to .6 range. 17pdr firing Sabot at 1,000m was an impressive .9 to 1.4 which is quite a gap :p (That means it would hit...
  17. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    It was at long range, but at combat ranges there wasn't much in it. The difference was a 17pdr would go through a German tank and the M1 wouldn't. Unless of course you loaded HVAP ammo, but that had so much power behind it the round became extremely innaccurate Apparently so, though not by...
  18. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    I'd guess either an early M4A3 or a late M4A2, hard to tell without seeing the engine deck which is the giveaway for the A2. It has the more angled hull which is a mark of early tanks, but it also has the cast instead of bolted nose, and that turret is a later design. A lot of them were modified...
  19. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    Land Ships ahoy! Or when Diesel Punk briefly invaded reality.
  20. Harlock

    Tanks and other Armoured Vehicles Image thread.

    The Brazilian M3 Stuart refits are nifty. Not entirely practical, but I guess they were nice to play around with and figure out how tanks work