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  1. M

    How to maximize the Nazi jet/missile program?

    Spin stabilization compensates for imperfections in cheap, war production quality 40's rocket engine nozzles. Fin stabilization does not. See the problem?
  2. M

    Russia-Ukraine War Politics Thread Mk. 2

    Any oligarch's precious son, or even remotely precious oligarch's cousin's son, is probably in Bahamas, Switzerland, Cyprus or something like that by now. If that is the option Trump goes with (he does hint the preferred narrative of whatever group he speaks to often), then Trump will have to...
  3. M

    Russia-Ukraine War Politics Thread Mk. 2

    Russian demands still going strong, unacceptable to Ukraine and western interests, and contrary to what people who delude themselves with ideas of wonderful compromise like to imagine - straight from Russian foreign minister.
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    Five minutes of hate news

    It's an "annoyance" that the world's major powers are looking at and laughing at your rulers not dealing with it. That in itself is more than annoyance. It's a geopolitical threat. Also...
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    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    No one has the tools, and the tools you think you have change absolute nothing. I ask again, did those tools fix similar public school problems? If there was any chance of it working without creating an equal or greater set of other problems, China would be doing it already with totalitarian...
  6. M

    Five minutes of hate news

    The issue is that they not only still exist, they are still causing an annoyance. >you haven't noticed I have noticed that you are not good at noticing foreign policy related problems. That's not something to be proud about. The *someone* in question is US military and intelligence, and that's...
  7. M

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Again, if it was so easy, it would be already implemented in public schools, orphanages (no adoptive families are not government workers in multi year contracts) and even in problems with elder care. But you see... that we don't see that. Worse yet, not only in US, but nowhere else. My...
  8. M

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Counterpoint: Again, public schools already have extensive surveillance systems and supervisory bureaucracy since ages. How much that helps? Clearly not enough. The main problem is in terms of developmental psychology, and that, ironically, is only researched thanks to failures of places like...
  9. M

    Five minutes of hate news

    Are you sure you have a triple digit IQ? You think major maritime trade lanes being blocked where various ships, including those of allies and owned by Americans are being sunk by foreign adversary's proxies, and the war of said proxies against other allies, including ballistic missile salvos...
  10. M

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    In case you haven't noticed, the US government as it is, is nowhere near capable of that. It's not even capable of unfucking public schools, which is a similar in nature challenge, except easier, much easier, which is what i pointed at - government institutions being less than adequate at...
  11. M

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Again, unfuck public schools first, then *maybe*, in a hundred years, someone will believe you can make non-fucked mass orphanages.
  12. M

    Five minutes of hate news

    I advise you look in the mirror before you start complaining about dumb things. There's a bloody war going on around Middle East, related to Iran, whose other proxies are firing fucking missiles at various US allies and their civilian shipping, like recently destroyed Greek tanker. That's not...
  13. M

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Hello Mr.Ceausescu, back to the grave please, wrong Romanian for Halloween. Seriously, don't know if you know, but you are straight out stealing this idea from one of nastier dictators in Europe. Surprise, it didn't work well of course...
  14. M

    Five minutes of hate news

    Because the governments of any self respecting superpower (we're not talking about Burkina Faso here) should be considered to be capable of doing at most, maybe, one thing. Two if you really stretch it. No multiple departments, ministries,government levels doing separate schemes and dealing with...
  15. M

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    Well the chief problem was that back in those days if the "chasing" did result in kids, and that was before common contraceptives and abortion, there was a very good chance that the kids without a male provider, and probably the mom too, would be so economically miserable that they would...
  16. M

    Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

    That's how you get a lot of FAS kids, underclass, youth gangs and other pathologies. Also emigration. You DO NOT want people to find "some way" to have kids they otherwise don't want.
  17. M

    Five minutes of hate news

    The argument still stands retarded, and so it is rational for people who care about interests of other groups to push it. For example, you know you can trust me that i really don't like the Russian state. I would love for Russia to become pacifistic and ultra-isolationist. Completely forget...
  18. M

    Five minutes of hate news

    *looks at the flags* I'm pretty sure he cares about Americans even less and its theatrics in favor of those.
  19. M

    Middle East Running Iranian threat news and discussion thread

    Eh, Iraq is far away, kinda useless and in a cold civil war. Saudi Arabia, still kinda useless and far away, see their recent adventure in Yemen. Egypt, you may have a point, or maybe not, they didn't fight any real war recently, but it's still an Arab army, so manage your expectations. Iran...
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    China Military News

    Again, i don't care if you think they want or what they don't want or wherever shitty mindreading attempts anyone makes, fancies don't matter, the question is, *what* are they going to get sent from US to China on specifically? Magic? Do you think our elites can conjure giant floating fortress...